Parent’s Association Against Drugs Supports Narconon

(English Translation)
November 3, 1972
The Parents’ Association Against Drugs through our work is in contact with Narconon and have established a partnership with them.
Our association welcomes the Narconon work and ideas and think that they represent an important alternative to the established health care. We believe that each drug addict must be free to choose the road from addiction that’s right for him.
The Parents’ Association Against Drugs has had the opportunity to follow Narconon working close up when young people through us are placed with them. These young people have previously been subject to various types of care the Society has offered but only now at Narconon can positive results be seen.
It is therefore a pleasure for the Parents’ Association Against Drugs to wish Narconon the best in its future work.
On Parents’ Association Against Drug behalf
Inger Barrett
(Original Swedish)
Tegnergatan 12, 11358 Stockholm
Er referens
V?r referens
Stockholm den 3 november 1972
F?r?ldraf?reningen Mot Narkotika har genom v?rt arbete kommit i kontakt med Narconon och har etablerat ett samarbete med dem.
V?r f?rening ser mycket positivt p? Narconons arbetss?tt och ideer och anser att de utg?r ett viktigt alternativ till den etablerade v?rden. Vi anser att varje missbrukare m?ste ha r?tt att v?lja den v?g ur missbruket, som passar just honom.
F?r?ldraf?reningen Mot Narkotika har haft tillf?lle f?lja Narconons arbetsmetoder p? n?ra h?ll, d? ungdomar genom v?r f?rsorg placerats hos dem. Dessa ungdomar har tidigare varit f?rem?l f?r olika slag av v?rd, som samh?llet kunnat erbjuda, men f?rst nu hos Narconon kan man sk?nja positiva resultat.
Det ?r d?rf?r ett n?je f?r F?r?ldraf?reningen Mot Narkotika att ?nska Narconon lycka till i sitt fortsatta arbete.
? F?r?ldraf?reningens Mot Narkotika v?gnar
Inger Barrett