Department of Mental Health Canada

June 27, 1972
Mr. Phil McAiney,
122 Avenue Road
Toronto 180, Ontario
Dear Mr. McAiney:
As you know we have recently obtained approval for the establishment of two assessment and short-term treatment centres in Toronto for severely damaged or disturbed adolescents. These centres are intended to be the first stage of a multi-phased system of services described in the proposal “Treating the ‘Untreatable’ Adolescent”, a copy of which is enclosed. We called a meeting of interested and concerned professionals in the community on June 5, to assist us in developing programme concepts for these two centres. A summary of the discussion is contained in the attached letter. As you can see, it was agreed at the meeting that a Working Committee be set up to work out admission criteria, staffing pattern, staff qualifications, funding and management responsibilities and other areas related to the operation of the assessment centres.
The object of this letter is to invite you to be a member of this Working Committee. Because of your involvement and expertise in areas related to this project, your presence on this Committee would be most valuable to us in this planning process. Please let me know of your decision as soon as possible so that we can arrange for the first Committee meeting. I also enclose a list of the people whom we have invited to serve on the Committee.
Yours sincerely,
Naomi I. Rae-Grant, M.B., D.P.M.,
Children’s Services Branch.