Special Event at Arizona State Prison

El Saguaro, Golden West’s Best Penal Paper
June 30, 1970 Page II
Presentations and awards were the order of the day as Narconon held a special ceremony at its meeting on Friday, May 22. The group gave special recognition to various guests and members who aided the groups survival during four years of existence. Narconon originated in A.S.P. to aid drug users in self-rehabilitation and has grown from an original twenty members to the present group of eighty-odd active members. Attending members and prison guests greeted the free-world guests and said their farewells to senior chairman Danny Dorosky. Dorosky, leaving the institution the next day, was turning over the chairmanship to Don Mesaros.
Dorosky opened the meeting and introduced Narconon state administrator Jack Sellner, who introduced free-world guests Reverend Arthur Maren, Narconon nationwide supervisor; Jan Kriesen and Norm Watkins, Narconon administrators; Henry Schlichting, Director of Scientology Phoenix, John Russell, Narconon’s first prison sponsor; Frank Lopez, present co-sponsor; John Milton, public relations officer; Ed Reid, Scientologist; and Mickey Williams, A.S.P. Counselor.
Reverend Maren informed the group concerning a tremendous growth of Narconon in other prison systems. Since the “Congress”, held here March 1st, 1970, groups have started at C.R.C. in California, Hawaii State Prison, and Menard State Prison in Illinois. Programs are forming in Canada and New Zealand. Maren spoke of the promotion work completed during his one week stay in our Phoenix area. After meeting Phoenix’s mayor, plans were put underway for establishment of a Phoenix Narconon house. Maren stated Narconon programs has accelerated some 50 % in three months.
Maren mentioned Narconon was now incorporated and would continue to use A.S.P. “graduates” as free world officials and administrators.
Maren presented an award of recognition and service to humanitarian John Russell, who sponsored Narconon from 1966 to 1969. Russell also accepted an award in absentee to Dale Brandfas Associate Warden, Supt. Custody A.S.P. for his contributions to the group. Gary Tison, EI Saguaro’s editor, received an award for his aid in press coverage and public relations. Tison expressed a sincere desire in aiding all self-help groups coordinate their functions and goals in the prison. Maren concluded his presentations by awarding G.M. “Doc” Tegerdine for outstanding photo coverage of the groups various events.
Dorosky continued with special awards from Narconon’s A.S.P. Chapter. Russell and Brandfas were awarded for administrative support. Norm Watkins and Jan Kriesen were commended for contributions in 1968-69. Reverend Maren was acknowledged as nationwide supervisor and received an award for Pat Price who has aided in governmental relations. Henry Schlichting, Mickey Williams, and Val Emery were cited for support and contributions. State administrator,Jack Sellner and P.R.O. John Milton were awarded for contributions of time and effort during the past year. Narconon’s new co-sponsor, Frank Lopez was presented an award for administrative liaison. Dorosky concluded by awarding Ernest J. Navallez and Ramone Quijada with Scientology jewelry from Narconon International for contributions to Narconon A.S.P.
After refreshments, the meeting continued with Dorosky’s farewell speech. As chairman from Sept. ‘69 to May ‘70, Dorosky complimented the group on growth through application of Narconon technology in daily living. He pointed out Don Mesaros as an example of one who has made a significant change in himself and the group by applied training and principles of Narconon. Dorosky noted not only drug users, but all inmates willing to better themselves are aided through the program. After acknowledging Historian Charles Johnson and Public Relations Officer Paul Simon, Dorosky installed Don Mesaros as Senior chairman by transferring the chairman’s medallion to him. Mesaros thanked the group for their support and acknowledged Dorosky for his outstanding leadership. Mesaros recognized others of the Narconon “team”; Ernie Navallez, new vice chairman; Steve Jackson, new librarian; Benito Gutierrez, clay demo instructor; and Willard Armstrong, comm course instructor.
Mesaros waived the program to Rev. Maren who spoke on the group moral. Maren stated a person who views himself as a “convict” does so because he’s told “once a convict, always a convict.” Any correctional officer or administration who holds to this view-
Photo Caption
Don Mesaros happily displays the Senior Chairman’s medallion after his installation by “graduating” leader, Danny Dorosky.
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point does so to insure their job. The idea is as absurd as “once a truck driver, always a truck driver.” Maren asked how long does it take to rehabilitate a man and replied “…as long as it takes”.
Maren continued by stating his pride in being associated with Narconon program because it has proven techniques of Narconon work in specific problem areas such as drug abuse. The knowledge that is gained by the seeker are the tools to his freedom.
Photo Caption:
Don Mesaros presents outgoing chairman Danny Dorosky with a “Going home” gift. The personalized Narconon briefcase is from the group in appreciation of Dorosky’s leadership during 1969-70.