Knowledge to Build Constructive Relationships
Ups & Downs in Life Course

By the time a student completes the Objectives Course, they have overcome their cravings and have a much brighter outlook and better perceptions. It is now time for them to come to grips with the causes and effects of their time spent addicted. These steps are essential to their being able to stop focusing on their guilt and the past and start being able to create a sober future.
On the Ups & Downs in Life Course, a student on the Narconon program will learn at last how to identify those people who make dangerous associates and which ones can make good, safe associates and colleagues.
Developed to Help People Recover and Stay Stable

Because he wanted to help people, L. Ron Hubbard isolated the characteristics of those people around whom others seem to get sick or have accidents. It turned out that there were twelve characteristics that could be used to identify the relatively small number of people in the world who would be dangerous to be around. He went on to describe the twelve characteristics of people who were motivated by a desire to help others. By learning these characteristics very well, a person in recovery learns to differentiate one from the other.
It is uniformly true that when a person becomes addicted or turns to crime that there was someone around them who was motivated by a desire to harm, not help. For a person to find relief from these past associations, a person must learn to spot these troublesome people and deal with any existing relationships of this type.
Conversely, it is also important for a person to be able to identify the helpful, constructive people around them. Choosing the right people to be around is essential to staying sober. If a person’s friends have harmful motivations, he can find himself being tempted to use drugs or drink again. This temptation might be enough to destroy that hard-won sobriety.
Application is Key
On this course, each person gets a thorough grounding in this technology of differentiation and then applies it to his (or her) life. Very commonly, a person must take the time to get some of their current relationships under their control as part of their recovery. This is all part of getting through this course. It’s not just a study course, it’s study followed by thorough application with the goal being recovery from addiction.
At this point, those in recovery on the Narconon rehab program have recovered from the cravings and have their brightness, ability to communicate and self-control back. It is time for each person to gain the tools to put down a solid foundation for the future and learn to stably walk a sober path. Knowing the right people to have around one and how to handle all kinds of relationships, good and bad, are essential skills.
“I feel good knowing I have the knowledge to leave here and remain sober because I’m able to differentiate different kinds of people and know how to handle them.” D.B.
“I can now apply this material in my life and successfully choose the right people to surround myself with.” P.R.
Learn about all the Life Skills Courses that are included in the Narconon program.