Drug Rehab for St. Louis, Missouri

Parents desperately search for drug rehab options when their son or daughter is heavily addicted to drugs or alcohol. The child may be abusing prescription drugs or using illicit drugs such as heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine. Family life is more than disrupted, it is chaotic. An addict is living a nightmare and his (or her) family is living it right along with him. Any St. Louis family looking for a solution for their loved one’s addiction must have somewhere to turn.
Effective Drug Rehab is Not Far Away
Narconon Arrowhead is a drug and alcohol center nestled in the rolling hills near Canadian, Oklahoma. It is just a seven-hour drive or a short flight from St. Louis—far enough to remove the addicted person from the many negative influences of his daily environment that could lead to his relapse. This treatment program addresses all the key aspects of a person’s addiction that keep him dependent on drugs, constantly looking for that next pill or drink. The person’s physical addiction and mental dependency must both be addressed.

The Narconon program gets the addicted person through withdrawal, then into and through a sauna-based detox which removes residual drugs from his system, and finally through a series of courses that provide him life and coping skills which serve him extremely well in his new life without drugs.
The Detox that Can Lead to a Full Recovery
A very important part of a successful rehabilitation program is eliminating drug residues trapped in the body. The residual drugs stay lodged in fatty tissues for years after an addict has stopped using drugs and can contribute to the triggering of drug cravings. The Narconon New Life Detoxification effectively flushes out these toxic residues. It does so through the use of time in a sauna, moderate daily exercise and vitamin and mineral supplements. Once the old, stored drug residues are flushed out, the recovering person feels much more alive, healthier and of clearer mind.
Another part of full recovery is addressing the mental aspect of addiction. An addicted lifestyle leads to all sorts of problems in a person’s life. He destroys relationships he has developed over the course of many years. Family members he used to be close to no longer trust him. He may have lost jobs and possibly even his home. In order to restore relationships and rebuild his life without drugs, he needs certain knowledge and tools. It can’t be done just “by the seat of his pants” when back home. When he does the Narconon Life Skills Courses he gets the right kind of education to acquire the skills to live without drugs and without the need to use them again. He learns responsibility and integrity, and he will be able to shed the guilt he has accumulated.
Now that the person has done a thorough detox and the life skills training, he will feel healthier and more competent both mentally and physically. When he feels better without drugs than he did on drugs, he can remain that way, ceasing to require drugs to live his life.
St. Louis Needs its Addicted Lives Healed
St. Louis is well known for the Gateway Arch which is a landmark recognized just about everywhere in the world. However, not everyone has noted that crime rates in St. Louis are up to four times higher than the national average. Drug-related crime and violence is no stranger in the city. Mexican drug criminals control much of the distribution of illicit drugs in Missouri, with St. Louis an obvious target due to its abundance of shipping and transportation resources. An effective drug rehab is needed for the city so addicts can finally get out of the grip of addiction and live lives where they are in control of their destiny.
In St. Louis, approximately 1,000 people are in local jails or confined at any given time. There are about 738 people in hospitals or halfway homes for drug or alcohol abuse. There are thousands of alcohol and drug-related hospitalizations and emergency room visits each year.
The drug-related crime in St. Louis is constantly addressed by law enforcement, but families need a way to help their loved ones recover. With Narconon Arrowhead so close, residents of St. Louis have an excellent solution for those who need rehab.