Drug Rehab for Independence, Missouri

Many important historic trails toward the West began in Independence, such as the Oregon Trail, the California Trail and the Santa Fe Trail. Unfortunately, in this modern day, another trail can also begin in the city—the trail to addiction. The abuse of drugs and alcohol can so easily lead an individual to a life of addiction, misery, and illness. Those who become addicted find control of their lives slipping away until the cravings have such a strong grip on them that everything ends up a shambles. The addict loses jobs, homes, children and maybe even his (or her) sanity.
When a loved one pleads with his family for help, it is vitally necessary to have effective recovery within reach. Narconon Arrowhead, located in Oklahoma is an afternoon drive from Independence and offers an addict the best chance for a lasting sober life.

The Program Steps at Narconon Arrowhead
The steps to recovery at Narconon Arrowhead address both sides of addiction, the physical and mental dependencies. First, of course, would come withdrawal. Although many addicts dread this process, it is made more tolerable through plenty of nutritional support, the use of calming techniques and one-on-one care by experienced staff. The person is monitored closely to ensure he is eating and sleeping well.
After withdrawal, the participant begins a sauna detox program unlike any other. With the New Life Detoxification, the recovering addict exercises moderately, spends time in a sauna and takes a generous supply of healthful nutritional supplements. This is an effective combination when applied in an exact regimen, as it flushes out drug residues that become stored in the body after long-term drug use. The elimination of these toxic residues cleans out the body and clears the mind so the person feels much more alert and alive. Many comment on how healthy they feel and that their cravings are greatly reduced or gone.
Life Skills Training Makes All the Difference
Life skills training teaches the recovering individual how to live a life without drugs. Anyone associated with an addict can see how their skills in handling life situations and relationships suffer. Communications skills have declined and this is addressed on the Narconon program. Personal values and self-esteem have plummeted, and these are addressed in the Personal Values Course. Other courses teach the student various key aspects of living a happy and fulfilling life. This is where the person learns applicable tools so he can maintain his sober life and not turn to drugs or alcohol again.
Independence Missouri Needs as Successful Program
With so much drug-related crime and violence in the Independence area, residents in those nearby communities live in fear. In fact, the crime rate in Independence is well above the national average. Without effective drug and alcohol rehab, an addict doesn’t stand much of a chance of avoiding relapse. Additionally, many addicts get wrapped up in criminal activity to support their habit. Parents realize this as their loved one begins to steal from family members and friends.
In 2012, out of more than 45,000 people who entered treatment for drugs or alcohol, there were more than 10,000 going into treatment for marijuana in Missouri. Marijuana addiction is not a “harmless” malady as so many young people abusing marijuana progress to the use of stronger, more dangerous drugs. And then there is the harm to one’s brightness, activity, and ability to learn that is suffered by the person who abuses nothing else but marijuana.
Thousands also sought treatment for heroin, amphetamines and alcohol. Independence just like other cities in Missouri suffers the consequences of addiction within the community. Meth labs pop up even in upper scale neighborhoods. An addict must get a drug rehab program that can help prepare him for a life without drugs, teaching him how to cope in life and never have to turn to drugs or alcohol again. Narconon Arrowhead has just the right program which addresses all sides of addiction.