Drug Rehab for Baton Rouge, Louisiana

An addict struggles through his life, unhappy and disillusioned. He is often hopeless that there is any solution to his misery. No matter what drug he is addicted to, or whether it is a combination of street drugs, prescription pills, and alcohol, he finds these substances part of his everyday life and probably thinks he will be an addict forever.
An addict often will lie, steal money, not be able to hold down a job. Drugs or alcohol control his life. The only hope is to find an effective drug rehab that will provide true lasting sobriety. With the Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation center only minutes away from Baton Rouge in Denham Springs, a person addicted to drugs or alcohol can find lasting recovery and leave drugs behind.

Narconon Treatment Includes No Drug Substitutes
Narconon Louisiana residential drug rehabilitation center in Denham Springs is a facility that addresses the mental and physical dependency of an addict, to the goal of bringing about lasting recovery from addiction. There are no drug substitutes used as a method of treatment. Instead, good nutrition and nutritional supplements are a key component. In some cases, it is medically necessary for a person to taper off of certain substances, such as benzos or heavy alcohol use. When this is required Narconon centers work with medical detox facilities to safely help the individual get to the point where they can begin their path to a truly drug-free life.
Three Key Aspects to Achieve Lasting Recovery at Narconon
Drug-free withdrawal is the first step in treatment. Withdrawal at Narconon is made more tolerable through the use of generous nutritional support and caring assistance by the trained staff. Good nutrition helps strengthen the body in coping with the discomforts of withdrawal. The staff also administer physical techniques that help ease the aches and pains of withdrawal and reorientation exercises that help the recovering addict to better relate to his new, safe and drug-free surroundings.
All drugs do not leave the system after a person stops using them. Residues of past drug use remain lodged in the fatty tissues of the body, even for years after drug use has ceased. These stored toxins can cause confused thinking and sometimes contribute to irrational behavior. They are also proven to be involved in the triggering of drug cravings.
The Narconon New Life Detoxification flushes these drug residues from the system through a regimen of vitamin and mineral supplements, moderate exercise and time in a low heat sauna. Once a person has completed this phase of treatment, he often says he feels better about himself than he has in many years. Many who complete this detox state that their drug cravings have vanished.
That is not the end of treatment at Narconon. Each recovering person must learn how to put his life back together. He has left behind him many damaged areas and relationships. There are factors he will face when back home that led him to start using drugs in the first place. The Narconon Life Skills Courses provide an education in how to repair and rebuild essential areas of his life, and also how to make the correct decisions in a drug-free life.
An example of one of the courses studied is the Ups and Downs in Life Course. Here the student is helped to understand how someone in the past could have influenced him to use drugs. He learns how to choose his friends wisely, so that he can develop positive relationships with those who will support his new life without drugs.
A vital need for lasting recovery exists in Baton Rouge. An addict needs to be proofed against relapse and thus be given a chance at a happy and productive future without drug abuse destroying his chances at happiness. Narconon provides a holistic program that is a top choice in drug rehab programs.
An Effective Drug Rehab for Baton Rouge Desperately Needed
Baton Rouge, Louisiana lies along the Mississippi River and is protected from storms and flooding by natural bluffs and a levee system. Unfortunately, these protections do not save the city from the storm of addiction that continues to rage in the area. Drugs are widely available and distribution channels are vast.
A long list of drug dealers are caught and convicted in Baton Rouge, but this still does not stem the tide of available drugs. Not long ago a Honduran illegal alien was found trafficking drugs and carrying firearms in the city. The cocaine found in his possession was enough to warrant charges of intending to distribute. There is no question that the public was put at risk by this dangerous criminal.
More stories in the news create alarm at how much trafficking goes on every day in Baton Rouge. In West Baton Rouge Parish, three people were arrested who were transporting $200,000 in cocaine. In another incident, a meth lab was found in a motel along with a sawed-off shotgun, another weapon and several bags of methamphetamine.
Criminals such as these have no concern about the heartbreak they cause, not only selling drugs to those of any age or income bracket but turning family members against one another. For instance, two brothers were accusing each other of distributing crack cocaine, each one arguing that his arrest was a case of misidentification. They were both found guilty and sentenced.