Drug Rehab for
Grand Junction, Colorado

Grand Junction Colorado

Addiction destroys self-esteem and virtue. Family and friends watch in horror as a loved one addicted to drugs loses all personal values and integrity. However, these traits are still there, just buried by the cravings that obliterate common sense and decision-making processes. To pull someone out of a whirlwind of destructive behavior, it is critical to locate a drug rehab that is successful in providing lasting sobriety. The Narconon Colorado drug and alcohol rehabilitation center does just that.

A Narconon Center within Reach of Grand Junction

Narconon Colorado in Fort Collins is within driving distance from Grand Junction and can help you or loved one achieve lasting recovery from drug addiction. For those who need an effective program to leave drugs behind, Narconon’s treatment for addiction addresses the factors that will proof the person against those harmful drug cravings. Withdrawal is the first step and is made more tolerable by employing innovative techniques to assist in recovery.

Narconon Colorado drug rehab facility

Drug-free Withdrawal is Just the Beginning of Lasting Sobriety

Cravings are quite strong and both physical and mental difficulties can be extensive during withdrawal. The addict becomes tense and disoriented. However, at Narconon withdrawal is made more tolerable through the use of generous nutritional support, as well as numerous relaxation techniques and reorientation exercises.

Drugs do not all leave the body once drug use has ceased. They remain stored in the fatty tissues of the body, ready to be released into the bloodstream under the right conditions. These stored toxins are known to contribute to triggering drug cravings, even long after drug use has ceased. The Narconon New Life Detoxification, using a combination of time in a low-heat sauna, moderate exercise, and nutritional supplements, flushes these poisons right out of the body.

The Narconon program also provides an education in living a drug-free life with honesty and integrity. Narconon Life Skills Courses, such as the Personal Values and Integrity Course, give such an education. They teach the student how to go back to his day-to-day existence, able to live ethically and make good decisions.

An addicted person needs the chance for an honest and productive life. Addressing the factors that proof an addicted person from relapse and restoring their self-respect and honesty, Narconon Colorado in Fort Collins is a program that saves addicted lives each day.

An Alternative Drug Rehab in Grand Junction is a Necessity

From 2003 to 2006, there were around 38,000 Colorado residents who abused or were dependent on alcohol or drugs. Grand Junction knows the pain of having citizens addicted to drugs. In fact, the city is within the boundaries of the Rocky Mountain High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, a designation by law enforcement. With so many suffering the plight of addiction and drug abuse, it is imperative to have an effective and holistic recovery program to provide lasting sobriety.