Drug Rehab for Aurora, Colorado

Addiction destroys dreams. At one time an individual may have had high hopes of having a family, an education, a successful business. Addiction takes these visions and obliterates them, one by one. Life becomes all about searching for the next fix or drink. Alcohol and drug addiction wreck relationships, families and hopes for a prosperous future. However, an addicted life can be healed from addiction by the effective and lasting recovery provided by a Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation center.
Narconon Colorado in Fort Collins is just a few miles away from Aurora and provides the same full Narconon program as dozens of other Narconon facilities around the world. Addressing and handling factors that prevent a lasting sobriety, Narconon Colorado is effective in saving addicted lives.
Detoxification that Eliminates Drug Residues

The full Narconon program is composed of several phases found vital to a full recovery. One of the early phases, the Narconon New Life Detoxification is an innovative service that focuses on flushing toxins out of the body. Drug residues can stay in the body long after drug use has ceased, and these stored toxins release into the bloodstream under the right conditions. Drug residues can cause foggy thinking and confusion and have been involved in the triggering of drug cravings.
Using a combination of low-heat sauna, generous nutritional supplements and a regimen of exercise, this detoxification is effective in eliminating the stored drugs from the system. Many graduates from this detox step have commented that their cravings have disappeared. They also state that they feel brighter and have a more positive outlook toward the future.
Effective Drug Rehab for Aurora Must Fortify an Addict From Relapse
Another treatment at the Narconon center is our drug-free withdrawal, made more tolerable by employing nutritional support as well as working with experienced staff. The trained staff use special techniques with the recovering addict to assist in relaxation, as well as reorientation exercises, giving him a new view to a future without drugs.
There are skills that people normally possess that are important in making the right decisions in life. These faculties become lost in a lifestyle of addiction. Narconon Life Skills Courses rebuild these skills. After completing these courses an individual is better equipped to handle stress without reaching for a pill or a drink.
Too Many Addicts Relapse After Treatment
In Colorado and around the world, far too many addicts go through recovery only to relapse at a later date. Drug abuse takes over their lives again. With the rates of those dependent on illicit drugs or alcohol in Colorado being higher than the national average, and 39,000 abusers attempting recovery in the state in 2010, it’s vital to locate an effective rehab program for Aurora that gives the drug addict a chance at lasting sobriety and a happy and prosperous life.
Narconon Colorado in Fort Collins provides this opportunity in a comfortable residential facility. When a person graduates from the Narconon program and proceeds to live a sober, constructive life, it’s obvious that they no longer need to consider themselves an addict, as many rehab philosophies sometimes claim they are.