Cocaine Help
When cocaine addiction is the problem, where do you go for help? If you go to a medical-oriented drug rehab, they might try out some Topiramate on you. That’s a prescription drug that is being tried out for cocaine addiction. The only problem is that it makes cocaine withdrawal symptoms worse. Perhaps not the best plan. Or your doctor may want you to take aripiprazole to combat your cocaine addiction. Be sure you check the side effects of this drug before starting this course of treatment: diabetes, rapid weight gain, suicidal thoughts and high blood pressure. Take that option off the list too.
Getting the Help You Need for Cocaine Addiction
Real recovery from cocaine addiction can be found at a Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. Real recovery means saving a person from the very real threat of heart damage that can result in emergency room visits or even death. It means saving a person from the threat of arrest or loss of career, family, and future.
A person who needs help with a cocaine addiction needs to know that they can come off the drug, alleviate the cravings and learn how to keep themselves out of a situation where they will want to use cocaine in the future.
A New Start
Effective help for cocaine addiction starts the day you walk through the front doors of a Narconon center. Every addicted person is immediately given nutritional support that begins to alleviate symptoms that are part of withdrawal, which includes the depleted nutritional condition of most addicts. The destructive lifestyle of most addicts extends beyond the drugs they are taking, to poor diets, little rest, high stress and of course the drug use that destroys vital nutrients in the body.

Every new arrival also begins to work with the Narconon staff to come out of the dazed condition commonly caused by drug abuse. Gentle orientation exercises, techniques that help calm the body's reaction to drug withdrawal, escorted walks around the countryside—all these actions help the recovering cocaine addict realize that he or she has found a cocaine addiction recovery program that really works.
Flushing out Cocaine Residues Can Help Eliminate Cravings
Following withdrawal is the New Life Detoxification Program. This is a program designed specifically to flush out built-up drug residues in the system. These residual drugs can remain indefinitely after drug use stops, but since they are known to activate cravings for drugs, it is very important to eliminate them from the body. The Narconon sauna detox accomplishes that through time sweating in a low heat sauna, moderate daily exercise and nutritional supplements of essential vitamins and minerals.
The remainder of the Narconon drug rehab program includes a series of Life Skills courses that help reorient a person to their present environment, learn how to communicate better with others and provide them with the tools they need to cope effectively with situations in their life.

Polydrug Use—Mixing Cocaine with Other Drugs—Adds Additional Dangers
As if cocaine were not bad enough by itself, a growing trend in the US is use of multiple drugs simultaneously. Cocaine is often mixed with alcohol, or combined with benzodiazepines such as Valium or Ativan. Young people are frequently mixing cocaine, alcohol, and marijuana together.

Combining drugs can create a synergistic effect between the drugs, increasing some effect considered desirable. Or it may allay some undesirable effect of a primary drug, such as the crash after taking a stimulant. But some combinations also increase toxicity, for example, cocaine and alcohol together increase the toxic load on the heart above what the drugs would achieve without that interaction. The second or third drug may alleviate some side effect of the primary drug taken, as well.
Cocaine may also be used in conjunction with benzodiazepines which are used as sedatives or sleep aids. Drugs such as Valium, Ativan, and Xanax fit in this category. Other people will use cocaine as an upper and heroin as a downer.
One of the greatest dangers of polydrug use is in the case of adverse reaction or overdose. Unless someone knows what drugs were mixed and can tell the staff in the emergency room, doctors have a dangerous puzzle to figure out and often, very little time in which to figure it out.
The Only Solution is Sobriety
If you are trying to help a loved one who needs cocaine help, go no further. In Narconon, you have found a healthy, holistic cocaine recovery program that can enable your loved one to look forward to a stable, drug-free future. When people come to Narconon for cocaine help, seven out of ten graduates stay clean and sober after they return home. Call today to find out how Narconon can help in your situation.
Article on—Cocaine Abuse