Alcohol Recovery Questions and Answers

Alcoholism is a desperate problem that’s disabling and addicting millions of people around the world. When alcoholism is ruining the life of someone you care about, you need a solution that is both immediate and effective. The Narconon drug and alcohol treatment program has been helping people recover from alcoholism for five decades.
On this page, you’ll find answers to many of your questions about recovering from alcoholism. Our purpose is to help you find answers to a very destructive problem. If you don’t find the information you need here, please let us know.
What Is Alcoholism?
Alcoholism is an addiction to alcohol. This is further defined as a condition characterized by repeated, compulsive seeking and use of alcohol despite adverse social, mental and physical consequences. It is usually accompanied by psychological and physical dependence on the alcohol and the appearance of withdrawal symptoms when alcohol consumption is rapidly reduced or terminated.
How Is Alcoholism Different from Alcohol Abuse?
When a person is abusing alcohol, he is consuming enough quantity and in sufficient frequency that his life is suffering ill effects. He may have problems at work or at school, may suffer financial and relationship problems or become ill. But he still drinks. The difference is that he has not drunk enough quantity or for long enough to develop psychological or physical dependence. He will not go through dangerous withdrawals if he stops drinking. He still has a chance to recover on his own, but cannot always do it on his own. An alcoholic will need a long-term program to assist them through withdrawal and address the physical and psychological dependence that has been created by excessive drinking.
Why Can it Be Dangerous for an Alcoholic to Try to Quit on Their Own?
An alcoholic may experience dangerous withdrawal symptoms if she tries to quit on her own. Symptoms may include high fevers, seizures, delusions and hallucinations. An alcoholic must be evaluated by a competent doctor to determine if it is safe to go directly to a rehab or if she must be carefully monitored in a medical detox first. At Narconon rehab centers, whether a medical detox is completed first or not, every person first spends as long as needed in the Withdrawal Unit where they can be monitored around the clock. Nutritional supplements help eliminate the pain and discomfort as one fully withdraws from the effects of alcohol and support the mood of the recovering person. One-on-one work with the staff focus the recovering person on recovery and the future, not the past.
My Loved One says He can Just Cut Down on His Drinking. Should I Believe Him?
If this person promises to quit and then breaks that promise repeatedly, you do him no favors by continuing to hope things will get better. He needs help to overcome the cravings and find relief from the guilt and depression that normally accompany alcoholism. Otherwise, the craving for alcohol will overcome any ability they have to keep their promises or stop on their own.
Other Rehabs Often Use Medications as Part of Their Alcohol Rehab Treatment. Is this Necessary?
Drugs such as benzodiazepines are often given in alcohol rehab programs to calm a person and help him sleep, and in the case of an initial medical detox this may be needed. Other drugs such as naltrexone are sometimes prescribed to those in recovery as they are said to help reduce cravings. Antabuse (disulfiram) is a drug that is supposed to make an alcoholic feel sick if he consumes alcohol.
The truth is that if an alcohol rehab program can alleviate a person’s cravings for alcohol and help him create a positive life he looks forward to living, then these drugs are not needed. THE Narconon rehab program address cravings with the New Life Detoxification, a sauna-based program that uses nutritional supplements and moderate daily exercise to flush out residues from past alcohol use. Those completing this service often report that their cravings for alcohol are greatly reduced or even gone.
Each person then goes on to build the life skills that will help keep him sober and safe after graduation. These life skills include knowing how to choose healthy relationships that support sobriety and regaining one’s personal integrity and ability to make the right choices in life.
Can a Person Actually Recover from Alcoholism or Will He Always Be an Alcoholic?
Many programs tell those in recovery that they will always be addicts. For five decades of helping drug and alcohol addicts find sobriety, this is not the belief in Narconon recovery centers. We have found that when the root causes of addiction are addressed, when the cravings have been greatly reduced or eliminated, and when sober living skills have been learned and practiced, a person may very well realize that he (or she) is no longer an alcoholic.
When Should a Person Seek Alcohol Rehab?
The best time is as soon as it is realized that alcohol consumption is creating problems that the addicted person is not able to handle on her own. Many people struggle with alcoholism for years or even decades. But the longer alcoholism goes on, the more chance there is for illness, injury, accident, incarceration or death. Recovery is always available at Narconon rehab centers.
How Long Does it Take to Recover from Alcoholism?
At Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, most people reclaim their sobriety in three months, but it depends on the individual, some need more time.
How Can I Help an Alcoholic Who Does not Want Help?
It is part of the condition of alcoholism that the drinker does not see the problem and very often rejects the idea of help. If you have already approached the alcoholic with the backing of strong family members who support you in your intention to have this person enter an effective rehabilitation program, then contact the international offices of Narconon to get help finding a professional interventionist who can help you turn this situation around. Call 1-888-391-7310 today.
What Are the Dangers if an Alcoholic Does not go to Rehab?
Alcohol in high quantities is very toxic. An alcoholic risks liver illness, accident or assault injury and overdose death. Alcoholics are also prone to arrest for drunk driving and may injure or kill someone accidentally. Every day an alcoholic does not receive treatment can hold life-threatening dangers. In addition, those around an alcoholic may be neglected or abused when the person is drinking. Everyone receives a better quality of life when the alcoholic is helped to recover.
What Does Nutrition have to Do with Recovery from Alcoholism?
Drugs and alcohol place stresses on the body and deplete vital nutrients. These missing nutrients can be involved in depression and other mental conditions and also contribute to unhealthy physical conditions. As soon as a person arrives at a Narconon center for his recovery, he is given generous doses of nutritional supplements that help the body begin to heal and support a positive mood.
What Aspects of Alcoholism Must be Addressed for a Person to Find Lasting Sobriety?
Each alcoholic suffers from guilt for the harm done while drinking, cravings for more alcohol and depression. These each must be alleviated for sobriety to last. In addition, each person must also address the reasons he started drinking in the first place and learn the life skills that will keep him strong, sober and safe in the future. These improvements define the basic structure of the Narconon alcohol recovery program. To find out all about this long-term holistic recovery program, call the international offices of Narconon at 1-800-775-8750.

The Narconon program assists each participant to discover the reason they started using alcohol in the first place. They are then given the tools to repair that aspect of their life to prevent the need to resort to alcohol in the future.
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