Alcohol Recovery

Once a person becomes addicted to alcohol, the best thing that could happen to them is that they enter a recovery program as soon as possible.
Fast, before they live an addictive lifestyle for decades.
Before they have a chance to get arrested and spend a year or ten in jail.
Before their body deteriorates from the drug itself, deprivations such as no sleep or no food, or illnesses contracted due to a risky lifestyle.
Before an addictive lifestyle is all they can remember living. Fast, before they have lost their family, all their friends (except other drinkers), their careers and self respect.
Entering alcohol recovery means that the person has the support of professional and experienced staff in climbing back to a sober life again. Without a real recovery program, a future of declining ability to survive and deteriorating health are almost certain. If you are trying to help someone recover from alcohol addiction, Narconon can help. There are Narconon drug and alcohol recovery centers on six continents, helping people stably achieve sobriety every day.
By contacting a Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, you can start yourself or a loved one on the way to a sober future immediately.
Why Don’t People Get Help when They are Drinking Too Much?

This is a question that mystifies and troubles the families of those people who are using drugs or who are chronic drinkers. Why won’t they accept help when it is offered? This is part of the pattern of addiction. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health surveyed a broad sample of the 19 million people who suffer from alcohol addiction to find out why they didn’t get alcohol recovery help?
Subtract out of that 19 million the number of people who did find help with alcohol recovery. Of the remaining 17.6 million people, only 676,000 actually believed that they needed help. Of these, almost two-thirds did not even try to find alcohol recovery.
The personal reasons these people had for not looking for help vary with the personality of the person affected by alcohol addiction. “It would not work for me.” “I might lose my job.” “I can control my own drinking.” “You’re just being critical.” “I don’t have the money.” “What would people think of me if I went to rehab?”
Beyond that, addiction is a self-perpetuating condition. Which means that once a person develops a dependency on alcohol or any drug, they begin to feel that the only way they can function or feel normal is to be on their drug of choice. Maintaining this feeling of being able to “function” and keeping withdrawal sickness away become their top priority. Which is why families suffer. They take second place, in most addicts’ worlds, to drugs or alcohol that keep the addict going.
What is Real Alcohol Recovery Like?
Talk to a person who is in alcohol recovery in a typical treatment program, or even after they complete the program and go home. Most recovering addicts are taught to take one day at a time, to always consider that they are an addict. Many people attend meetings weekly, twice weekly or more often, for years or even decades.
There are many people who have used these steps as part of a larger program to achieve sobriety. But this is not the only route to sobriety. It is up to oneself to compare programs and find the alcohol recovery program that is best, that aligns best with one’s own beliefs and needs.
If a person has been on heavy alcohol it may be necessary for them to go through an initial medically assisted detox to assist them to come off the alcohol before beginning the Narconon program. Once the medical detox is completed they would then begin first phase of the Narconon program which is withdrawal. This consists of intensive nutritional support and one-on-one work with staff to calm the body and mind and alleviate the aches and pains associated with withdrawal. As most addicts are nutritionally bankrupt due to the damage done by drugs and a poor lifestyle, this phase alone can help lift the anguish many people feel when they find themselves in a drug rehab.
Gentle physical processes and walks in the surrounding environment help one take one’s attention off drug and alcohol use. The body has a chance to start healing and this is the start of a better frame of mind for the individual.
After the individual has stabilized, they join the rest of the participants and they begin to roll back the personal, mental and spiritual damage done by the drugs. A very thorough sauna detoxification step using nutrition, exercise and sweating n a low heat dry sauna assists the body to flush out old drug and alcohol toxins. Some people have said this was a major turning point in their recovery and that their cravings were eliminated during this phase of the program.
With a clean body and an unclouded mind, each participant is in better condition to really look at the problems they have created in life, and learn the steps they need to take to restore to joy of living in each area.

Improvements are stabilized by life skills classes in which participants learn new ways to make drug-free decisions during challenging moments. By this point, a person is ready to create a new life for himself or herself. With a new life, built from the ground up with an understanding of how and why to live an alcohol-free life, it does not need to take a daily struggle with cravings to live sober.
To find out how these phases of the Narconon drug and alcohol recovery program can add up to lasting sobriety for you or someone you care about, contact Narconon today.