Umbria, Italy Drug Use

Umbria is traditionally considered a “quiet” Region in Italy, usually in the background of events of the country and best known for its art, cultural festivals, natural beauty, and tourism. But these characteristics have not prevented organized crime - even mafia groups - to put down roots in the area, with a consequent strong growth of the drug phenomenon, so much so that today Umbria makes headlines for being the Italian region with the largest number of deaths from drug overdose, not only in Italy but throughout Europe. The drug mortality rate is three times higher than the national average and, adding to this, in 2009 Umbria also had the highest number of drug users, with 8.1 of every 1000 people having used drugs. Finally, it should be mentioned that Umbria takes third place in the ranks of Italian regions with the highest mortality from drug-related road accidents, after Veneto and Emilia Romagna. The above data, as disturbing as it is, is part of the annual report to the Parliament in 2010 on the use of drugs and drug addiction in Italy.

Heroin is the primary drug of use in Umbria, followed by cocaine, cannabis, and hashish. It should also be noted that cocaine was considered in the past as a drug of secondary use, but it is spreading now at a high rate, with a resulting reduction of its market price that makes it more and more accessible to all segments of the public, especially youth and teenagers. Alcohol abuse is also widespread, which often is taken with other drugs with very dangerous and even lethal effects.
Amongst all the drug dealers arrested by law enforcement, many are foreigners, 55.7%, more than in any other region of Italy. This suggests two possible inducing factors: less control by the authorities on immigrants and illegal aliens arriving in the Umbria region compared to other areas and the presence of the University for Foreigners of Perugia, the capital of Umbria, where many drug pushers of different nationalities gravitate, young and often disguised as students to elude controls.
Narconon Handling Drug Addiction
The Narconon program not only addresses the debilitating effects of drug abuse on the mind and body but also resolves why a person turned to drugs in the first place. As a result, a person can graduate from the program into a new life free from drug use.

To those who wish to break the pattern of drug use or drinking that is destroying their lives, Narconon provides a unique drug recovery program that works.
Contact us for more information on the Narconon program near Umbria.