Drug Use in the Italian Region of Basilicata

Basilicata, also known as Lucania, is a small region in Southern Italy, nestled between the tip and the heel of the Italian “boot”, with a population of about 600,000. The capital is Potenza, an ancient city subjugated by the Romans in the 4th century B.C. In recent years the Region of Basilicata has witnessed an increasing growth of drugs and alcohol abuse. A particular worry is the rise of cocaine addiction, especially among young people who underestimate the risks, often considering it a “light” drug.
According to official data, in the Basilicata Region, there are six public centers for services for drug addiction, and seven private therapeutic communities. The public services do everything possible to provide the necessary basic services in the areas of prevention, diagnosis and medical treatment of drug and alcohol addiction, as well as in promoting a lifestyle that opposes condemns any drugs, legal and illegal, including the so-called “New Drugs”. The public services of Potenza, Melfi and Matera, deal also with the diagnosis and treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism among the inmates of penitentiaries of the region. The therapeutic communities are providing assistance, care and treatment of drug addicts, working also from the standpoint of personal rehabilitation of the addict, which based on effective principles and methods can bring about a future of hope and freedom from drugs.
The Narconon Rehab Program Can Help Basilicata in the Fight against Drug Abuse
At Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, addiction is addressed with a combination of nutrition, counseling and life-skills training. Each recovering addict is assisted and guided through the process of rebuilding his or her life, repairing damaged relationships, and preparing to take a place among those living sober, productive lives.

Narconon centers are spread throughout the Italian peninsula, and the nearest center—Il Gabbiano—in the neighboring region of Apulia resides in the outskirts of Lecce. The testimonials and success stories of former addicts and alcoholics who graduated from the Narconon program speak for itself.