Cannabis Use in Lazio, Italy

The official statistics from SerT, the Italian public services for drug addiction, place the Lazio Region in fourth place in Italy with the largest number of users of such services for the primary use of cocaine. And, in addition to the regions growing consumption of marijuana, statistics also show that the region is in first place for the highest prevalence of cannabis and cannabinoids use by individuals.

It is usually the younger age groups to make prevalent use of marijuana and hashish, which represent the first drugs they try out, together with alcoholic beverages. A recent report on social services carried out by Censis (the main Italian Foundation for socio-economic studies) within the Lazio region, indicates that alcohol and drugs are among the more common causes of juvenile distress.
And as if that weren’t enough, Lazio and Rome also hold the record for being the region and the city of Italy with the largest number of drug deaths, respectively with 87 and 69 fatalities.
Drug Trafficking in Lazio
In this region, numerous criminal groups of foreign origin conduct their clandestine activities, and the presence of Romanian groups trafficking cocaine and hashish, but most of all heroin, is becoming progressively more significant. In fact, Romania has taken a very strategic role along the routes of heroin through the areas of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The Italian regions where these groups mostly operate their traffic are precisely Lazio, followed by the Emilia Romagna and Lombardy.
Aid to Combat Drugs and Drug Addiction
Each year the Lazio Region earmarks millions of euros to fight drug abuse and addiction, but the proportions of the problem do not leave enough space for the development of new and effective prevention plans. The public services are doing a lot, but it is unrealistic to think of leaving to them the total responsibility for the drug problem. Help is needed with both the services for the treatment of addiction and for the prevention of alcohol and drug abuse in the first place through drug education. The purpose of the Narconon drug rehab program is to offer an effective and definitive recovery from drugs, as well as the complete rehabilitation of the drug addict, in such a way as to offer them the opportunity of an ethical, happy, productive and drug-free life. Moreover, the Narconon drug prevention program offers to schools and the entire community education and information services that can specifically prevent early drug use among young children.
Contact us for more information about Narconon centers in Italy and in the Lazio region or to request help with drugs and alcohol problems.