Alcohol Addiction Intervention

It seems like some kind of cruel joke that when someone is addicted to alcohol, in the majority of cases, they refuse to admit they have a problem. It’s as though everyone around the alcoholic knows that there is a problem but they can’t see it. It’s practically part of the definition of alcoholism.
As a result a family may struggle for years with a person’s addiction to alcohol before they can get a solution implemented. No one should have to struggle that long with alcoholism, not the addict himself or herself, not the spouse, the children or parents or co-workers.
Some addiction recovery philosophies say that you need to let a person hit rock bottom before you can get them into rehab but this can result in a person having time to drink themselves to death, have a car accident, or perhaps worse yet, harm someone else while drinking. Or they can get arrested or be assaulted while drunk.
It is possible to derail the self-destructiveness of an alcoholic before they can completely destroy everything around them. It requires an alcohol addiction intervention but it is not difficult to make this happen.
Families working with Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers around the world find that they can get help setting up an intervention with the help of Narconon intake counselors. Having interventionists available is part of the job of saving lives from alcoholism. For the recovery process to work, the addicted person has to see the problem, see the damage it is doing to his or her life and the lives in the immediate vicinity, and then has to make up his or her mind that it is time for the damage to end.
An experienced interventionist can–and so many times, has done so–walk into a difficult situation where an alcoholic does not want to admit that there is a problem and with some careful and caring work the individual, bring about a willingness to recover from the addiction and a willingness to go to rehab. Sometimes the family is just too close to bring about this change but an interventionist can resolve a situation that is going nowhere.

Once a person arrives at the Narconon facility after the intervention, that is the real start of the person’s new, drug-free life. The Narconon drug and alcohol recovery program has several phases that are designed to address and resolve issues that caused the person to start drinking. It also addresses the three factors that keep a person locked in an addictive lifestyle: guilt, cravings and depression. The good news is that it does not take medication or substitute drugs to find relief from these factors. All three can be alleviated through non-drug means.
The Narconon program is a thorough and well-rounded program that uses holistic, healthy and drug-free means to bring about a real recovery, not a band-aid or a pharmaceutical solution to the problems.
By contacting Narconon today, you can find out how you can help someone you love recover from addiction.