Narconon New Life Has 8 Year Anniversary

handshakeHurricane Katrina was one of the worst disasters to hit the southern United States in recent memory. It displaced thousands of Louisiana families and dramatically damage the communities that so many call home. In picking up the pieces, it was easy to see that more help would be needed to repair New Orleans and Louisiana than most people had expected. 

After all, a disaster like Hurricane Katrina doesn’t just do physical damage to an area. It also has a way of ripping away the façade from a city or area and showing all of the other problems that are plaguing it. In the case of Louisiana, one of its worst problems is drug abuse, and the situation only got worse as grieving families were trying to figure out how to return their lives to normal.

In many cases, drug use is a response to stressful situations in life. Returning to flooded homes an destroyed businesses, it’s not surprising that many of Louisiana’s citizens started turning to drug use to take their cares away and to try to deal with all of the stress that they were feeling.

Louisiana has always had a drug abuse problem, but in recent years it has reached epidemic levels, and a heroic effort was needed to turn the situation around. The Narconon New Life drug and alcohol rehabilitation center has been helping to provide that effort, and it recently celebrated its eighth anniversary.

How Much Good Can One Center Do

The Narconon New Life Center in Denham Springs, Louisiana started out with sixteen beds for drug addicts that needed a helping had to overcome substance abuse. In its eight years of service, those sixteen beds have been home to over 600 clients that needed the program to save their lives. In fact, the center just celebrated its 640th graduate on the day of its eighth anniversary.

This was a significant accomplishment. Most rehab centers are not very good at actually helping their clients get permanently sober. It is an “accepted fact” in the rehab industry that most graduates of rehab programs relapse and have to go back to rehab over and over again if they want to have any hope of improving.

Narconon New Life is different. It has an excellent success rate of actually helping addicts to get clean and stay that way for the rest of their lives. This is why the help that a drug rehab center can provide goes beyond the just the individuals that it individually services. Helping individual addicts to give up drugs is the first step, but the help then expands to far beyond individuals.

For example, many children of addicts follow their parents’ examples and end up being drug users, too. When Narconon New Life helps an addict get off drugs, it is also helping save the children of that addict from becoming drug users later. Also, communities are damaged by the criminality that drug users inevitably cause around them. When drug abuse is handled, crime rates drop, and this helps everyone.

Looking to the Future

In celebrating the center’s success at helping so many addicts to overcome their demons, the center is really recommitting itself to its future. Narconon New Life is not satisfied with just helping a few addicts. It will continue to expand and to help even more people overcome the miseries of drug addiction and return to lives of sobriety, health and happiness.

If you need help from a drug rehab center that is committed to helping everyone get clean through an all-natural, drug-free system of detoxification and rehabilitation, contact Narconon New Life today.