Narconon Blog
OxyContin Maker Closed, Fined $8 Billion
The maker of OxyContin, Purdue Pharma, has agreed to plead guilty to three federal criminal charges for its role in creating and advancing the nation's opioid epidemic. Unfortunately, this does not even come close to holding Purdue accountable for the damage it caused.
The Connection between the FDA, Pharmaceutical Companies, and Addiction
One of the most common questions I hear regarding addiction is, “How did the addiction epidemic get so bad?” And I can see why people ask this.
How One Federal Program Is Striking a Deal with Healthcare Providers to Offer Addiction Treatment to Patients in Need
As the addiction crisis seems to grow and grow, surging forward no matter what we try to do to stop it, we’ve had to get a creative in our methodology for tackling the problem.
Would Taxing Opioids Solve Our Overdose Problem?
Everyone wants to combat the epidemic of opioid misuse that killed nearly 64,000 Americans in 2016. Is adding a tax to the price of each pill the right solution?
Does our Opioid Epidemic Warrant a National Emergency Declare?
There’s been a lot of talk about declaring a national emergency to direct resources toward overcoming our epidemic of opioid overdose deaths. Do the events of the last couple of years really warrant this declare? See what you think.