Narconon Blog


Editorial Staff in Success Story
October 17, 2024

A Story of Overcoming Addiction

I am here years later, and I haven’t relapsed. I am a manager of a successful metal fabrication company that deals with United States infrastructure such as bridges, waterways, dams, train stations, etc. I am now a productive member of society ten times over.


Staff Writer in Narconon
July 18, 2019

Fio M. | Meet A Narconon Staff Member | Narconon

Every day Narconon staff members are helping individuals find a new perspective on life by getting them through a drug-free and effective drug rehabilitation program. Without this important work, many individuals would continue to suffer from the downward spiral of addiction with no hope in sight.


Ren in News
April 7, 2019

HIV Outbreaks, Opioid Misuse, and Small Town America

When we hear the words, “HIV outbreak” odds are we think of Africa, or maybe the United States in the early to mid-1990s. Even if we consider an “HIV outbreak” as occurring on American soil, we instantly assume cloud-shrouded high rises, sprawling urban metropolis, and downtrodden poor neighborhoods tucked back into the industrial districts.