Narconon Blog


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
August 17, 2020

What Factors Lead to Excessive Alcohol Consumption in New Hampshire?

With 88,000 people in the United States dying from alcohol-related causes each year, there is no doubt that alcohol abuse is a considerable public health problem in ALL parts of the nation.


Ren in Drug Use
August 27, 2018

Drug Abuse and Geography—Why Some Areas are Affected More Than Others Are

At this point, it is all but common knowledge that the United States is struggling with a very serious drug addiction epidemic. Since the late 1990s, this problem has been growing and expanding, creating big difficulties and significant crisis for millions upon millions of Americans.


Ren in Information on U.S. States
August 22, 2018

The Ten States with the Biggest Problems—What Makes Them Unique and How We Can Help Them

Just like with most things, there is a geographic influence in the drug problem. Some states and some areas are more harshly affected than others are. In this article, we’ll explore some of the more harshly affected areas that have been severely influenced by substance abuse.


Karen Hadley in Drug overdoses
August 18, 2018

2017’s Overdose Numbers Reveal Catastrophic Levels of Loss

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have provided preliminary numbers for deaths from drug overdose in 2017. Rather than showing improvement, they reveal that we have not yet capped our losses from overdose deaths.


Karen Hadley in Prescription drug abuse
February 28, 2018

How Your Tax Dollars Finance the Opioid Epidemic

The average American would be horrified to think of his hard-earned money, his tax dollars supporting anything as insidious and destructive as the current epidemic of opioid use and overdose.