Narconon Blog


Editorial Staff in Alcohol Abuse
January 31, 2023

More Evidence Suggests Drinking Leads to Accidents, Hospitalization, and Death

A recent study produced an alarming finding: People who get injured while intoxicated to the point where they require hospital treatment are five times more likely to die in the coming year. That critical data point suggests that just one alcohol-related injury is a serious predictor of alcohol addiction and the many potential health crises that can come, death included. With that in mind, family members of people who drink should take action immediately if they observe their loved one has an accident involving alcohol, even if their loved one insists they don’t have a drinking problem.


Ren in Drug Addiction
May 31, 2021

Drugs Can Kill in Many Ways

Drug overdoses grab headlines and, as a result, the public mind. A great deal of focus is directed at overdoses, mostly because they have skyrocketed in the last two decades. However, there are many other ways that drugs can kill.