Narconon Blog


Ren in Marijuana Use
April 14, 2022

Drugged Driving and Cannabis

People who use cannabis sometimes say that they feel okay to drive after an hour or two has passed. But are they really okay to drive? A new study shows they are not.


Ren in Drug use trends
February 21, 2021

Canada’s Addiction Crisis Mirrors Closest Neighbor

For a review of the opiate addiction crisis, most people instantly think of and look to the United States. But in many ways, Canada, the neighbor to the north, has had an almost identical opioid crisis. What can be learned from it? And what might be done to address it effectively?


What Is the Scope of Drug Abuse in Canada?

Is drug and alcohol abuse an issue of concern in Canada? How many Canadians struggle with addiction? What’s the solution to substance abuse in the Great White North?


Ren in Drug-Related News
August 27, 2020

Winnipeg Experiences a Surge in Opioid Overdoses During COVID-19 – What Can We Learn from That Crisis?

What happens when a city experiences a massive surge in drug overdose deaths? What resources do residents have to help addicts before they overdose? One Canadian city is forced to find out.


Karen in Drug use trends
December 29, 2019

New Global Drug Report Shows Increasing Use of All Drugs, Huge Growth of Opioid Use and Record Cocaine Production

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reports each year on global drug use and addiction. This year’s report shows that despite the efforts of tens of thousands of people around the world, there is more drug use and loss of life than ever.


Ren in News
March 25, 2019

Three Countries and Their Drug Problems

We hear on the news these days that the U.S. struggles with an “opioid epidemic,” “an addiction crisis,” or a “national public health emergency.” All of this is true. But what we don’t hear about are the addiction struggles of other countries.


Direct to Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising

According to a Washington Post article published February 2015, the United States and New Zealand are the only two countries that allow direct to consumer advertising for pharmaceutical products.


Ren in Recovery
October 25, 2018

How Some Countries are Cracking Down on Addiction

Iceland has been able to reduce their substance abuse rates to unprecedented lows by making after-school programs for youth of all ages a mandatory requirement for graduation.


Karen in Drug overdoses
April 23, 2018

The Opioid User’s Intensely Dangerous Life Revealed

It can take years for a family to realize that all the problems they are seeing in a loved one’s life add up to addiction. Even when they do know, they often don’t realize the incredible risks their loved one takes each day by injecting uncontrolled illicit drugs.