Narconon Blog


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
April 22, 2021

Alcohol Used as Coping Mechanism for Covid Anxiety

While any type of alcohol consumption carries some risk for harm, consuming alcohol as a coping mechanism for anxiety creates a considerable risk for addiction. No one should use alcohol as a method of “dealing with anxiety.


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
March 13, 2021

The Physical and the Mental—Weighing the Effects of a Night Out Drinking

Though alcohol offers zero health benefits and presents an array of risks in its consumption, the alcohol industry in the United States is still a $252 billion industry and $1.47 trillion globally.


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
February 20, 2021

New Dietary Guidelines Highlight Important Recommendations on Alcohol Consumption

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans provides crucial information for all American families to better determine their daily diets. What does this document have to say about alcohol consumption?


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
February 17, 2021

The Scope of Alcohol Abuse in Ireland

What is the scope of alcohol abuse in the Republic of Ireland? What has led this island nation of just under 5 million people to have one of the highest rates of per capita alcohol misuse in all of Europe?


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
February 16, 2021

Five Ways Drinking Too Much Alcohol Harms Your Body

Alcohol misuse harms all areas of the body and mind. This article examines just five systems within the body on which alcohol consumption has a direct, harmful effect. Alcohol advertisements make drinking look like fun. But over-drinking can be anything but fun, and here are five reasons why.


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
January 16, 2021

Alcohol and Sleep

The list of harmful effects that alcohol misuse has on those who participate in such activities gets longer and longer. Now, new data suggests that alcohol misuse contributes to sleep disorders.


What Is the Scope of Drug Abuse in Canada?

Is drug and alcohol abuse an issue of concern in Canada? How many Canadians struggle with addiction? What’s the solution to substance abuse in the Great White North?


Ren in Drug Information
September 4, 2019

How to Get the Real College Experience

College is a fantastic opportunity to learn a great deal and to gain valuable experience in order to ready oneself for life as an adult. College is a time to learn a trade, or simply to further one's general education.


Ren in Alcohol
November 10, 2018

Alcohol—The Most Addictive Drug in the World

When people hear that alcohol is the most addictive drug in the world, their instantaneous response is usually one of disbelief. Most people do not believe this to be true, because after all, everyone drinks, right? Certainly, except for perhaps cigarettes, and maybe sugar or coffee, alcohol is the most commonly used substance that could be considered to be addictive.


Sue Birkenshaw in Drug Addiction
July 25, 2012

Study Finds Quarter of Suicide Victims are Intoxicated at Time of Death

After reviewing 58,000 suicide cases from across the US, researchers concluded that alcohol played a definite – and tragic – role in these deaths . While numbers varied by gender and ethnic background, on average, nearly a quarter of those who killed themselves were legally drunk when they did so.