Narconon Blog


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
December 6, 2023

Alcohol Consumption in One’s Youth Now Connected to Another Health Harm Later in Life

Findings from a UK study connected young adult alcohol use to frailty later in life, particularly as it pertains to losing muscle mass. According to the report, those examined in the study group with the lowest muscle mass drank about a bottle of wine daily.


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
September 19, 2023

Alcohol Is a Leading Factor in Cardiovascular Disease

For years, medical science put forth information suggesting moderate alcohol consumption may have some health benefits, namely as it pertains to one’s cardiovascular health. Recent findings, however, suggest this is not the case. Studies show alcohol consumption is one of the leading factors in cardiovascular disease, even for those who drink “in moderation.”


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
July 20, 2023

Research Continues to Show There Are No Health Benefits of Drinking Alcohol

A scientific paper was recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Administration highlighting new data that shows alcohol consumption has no health benefits whatsoever. Further, the study showed that any amount of drinking, even in “moderation,” poses risks for health harm.


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
March 28, 2023

Alcohol Consumption Now Linked to Early Onset Dementia and Other Cognitive Decline

A study published in the Lancet found a link between alcohol abuse and increased risk for dementia. This article summarizes the study’s findings while outlining statistical data on alcohol addiction...


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
March 27, 2023

Alcohol Consumption Linked to Stroke Risk

A study organized by a group of researchers at the University of Galway in Ireland found a link between alcohol use and increased risk for stroke, emphasizing the need for people to reduce alcohol consumption.


Editorial Staff in Alcohol Abuse
February 4, 2023

Quitting Alcohol Can Produce Positive Outcomes Even During Advanced Illness

After years of misusing drugs and alcohol and experiencing the long-term health crises that come from such use, many addicts may feel like there is no hope for them, and there’s no longer any point in seeking help or even trying to cease drug use. However, a new study showed notably positive health outcomes and extended life expectancy when people who were already suffering chronic harm from drinking alcohol got help and quit. These findings support the narrative that it’s never too late to stop using alcohol and drugs and that no addict should ever give up on their efforts to get clean, no matter how difficult it feels for them to do so.


Editorial Staff in Alcohol Abuse
January 30, 2023

Alcohol Abuse Increases Cancer Risk

A recent scientific study and population survey found that some Americans erroneously believe alcohol helps prevent cancer. Yet the opposite is true. This article briefly comments on the study’s findings while highlighting the different types of cancer that have been irrefutably traced back to alcohol consumption.


Karen in Alcohol Abuse
March 17, 2022

Alcohol’s “New Normal”

Our world has changed in the last few years, and along with those changes, patterns of alcohol consumption have shifted. But that shift may not be the one you expect.


Julie in Health risks
December 30, 2021

Despite Claims Of Health Benefits, Drinking Alcohol Remains Leading Cause of Preventable Death

While there are numerous health benefits from consuming resveratrol, it is essential to remember that alcohol in any form is a known carcinogen. When it comes to resveratrol, there are other ways this nutrient can be added to one’s diet.


Karen in Drug Information
November 3, 2021

The Deadly Dangers of Polydrug Use

Polydrug users may encounter the greatest risks of all drug users as they mix and match their drugs to suit their desires. What they may have lost sight of is how dangerous and even deadly this practice is.