I Can Be a Part of the World, Susan’s Narconon Success

Susan Photo
Susan, 15 years sober          

I had chosen alcohol over myself, my family, and life. What had started out as fun-drinking in high school, escalated to almost-killing-myself drinking 20 years later. From a few drinks here and there to two – three fifths in a couple of days.

I broke up my marriage of 14 years because I did not want anyone telling me how to live my life. I embarrassed my children to the point that they did not want me around them or their friends.

I avoided family gatherings with my parents and siblings. My parents were afraid of coming over to my house and finding me dead. I would rather sit by myself and drink, not wanting anyone to see just how much I was drinking, not wanting to hear I should go to rehab.

Blackouts during drinking started to become normal to me. Hearing from my family and friends what I had said or done and finding myself in the hospital or jail for something I had done during a blackout had become ordinary.

I did try several different rehabs, including going to AA meetings. That worked for a while. I believed I had everything under control but then I went right back to the drinking. The insanity of it was that I believed I had everything under control.

My parents came to me about trying one more rehab, a place called Narconon. I thought why not, I can get a change of scenery for a bit and just maybe get my life back on track.

“WOW,” but that just does not do justice to what I got out of this program.

After going through the detoxification program, my body felt cleaner, I was sleeping better, the fog lifted and I could think clearer, I felt alive!

But that was just the beginning of my journey. I went on to do the courses. The blinders I had been wearing started to fall away, making me aware I was living my life in the past, and bringing me to present time. I realized what I had been doing and how that had been affecting me and others. I acquired the right tools to help me handle different situations in life.

When I finished this program, I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I felt freer and capable to live my life successfully. I knew I could be part of this world, where I could contribute to society, and thrive as a daughter, a wife, a mother, and as a friend.

I graduated in 2005 and I used the tools I learned. I have a wonderful new husband, a great relationship with my children and family, and many new friends.

Thank you, Narconon!!

—Susan, Narconon graduate


Staff Writer