Narconon Drug Rehab Center in Michigan
Narconon Freedom Center is located in Albion, Michigan and is one of Narconon’s largest drug rehab centers. The center was established in 2002.
People have traveled from all over the country to recover from drugs at Freedom Center.
If you know anyone suffering from drug addiction, call one of our drug rehabilitation counselors today.
Here is a success story from a student who completed the Narconon program:
“Today I have five months clean and sober! I’ve had multiple attempts at sobriety and I can, for once, say honestly this is the longest I have gone without using or drinking.
It is a good feeling for me, knowing I’ve already gone through so much already in my program! I know in my heart, I’ll never regret coming to Narconon. Five months doesn’t seem long to the normal person, but to the former drug-user it is. However I know this is just the beginning for me in my new life.
I want to thank my family for never giving up on me and let them know I love them. Every time, they’ve always been there for me and I can’t wait for all the times in the future that I’ll be able to be there for them.”