How the Narconon Program Helps Restores Health

Long-term substance abuse has a tendency to wreck the physical health of an addict. Drugs and alcohol are, fundamentally, poisons, hence the term, “intoxication.”
In light of this, it is entirely understandable that living as an addict will all but inevitably result in devastating damage to the person’s health and physical well being. This was the case with Michael, who shares his personal story in a testimonial recently published by Narconon. “I came to Narconon a completely destroyed person,” he says, “drugs and alcohol had ravaged my life for almost 15 years.” As bad as a person may feel when experiencing a hangover on the morning after a night of hard drinking, an addict faces the stark reality of every day being the day after a full day or night of drinking or drug use, because the drinking or drug use simply never stops until he or she quits. Constantly poisoning oneself cannot but have dire health consequences, as it did for Michael. “I was physically sick and deteriorating mentally at an alarming rate.” In many cases, it is the sudden realization of this deterioration and illness that finally gives a person the motivation necessary to make the decision to quit, to put everything else in life on hold and to go to the nearest Narconon drug rehab center.
Michael, just like countless others have over the past fifty years, found the help he needed through Narconon. “The experiences I have had in the last few months have been life-changing for me.” What was it that Michael experienced that had such a transformative effect on his life? “The sauna program has restored my body to a point it has not been in for years. I feel healthier than I ever remember.” The sauna detox step of the Narconon program is among the most unique aspects of the entire program, and it is also one of the things that is most responsible for the outstanding results achieved on the program. How does the Narconon sauna program work? It is a combined regimen of moderate exercise, eating a healthy diet, taking nutritional supplements, and spending time sitting in a dry heat sauna. People who complete the Narconon program routinely report results similar to what Michael experienced, and they often look back on that step as being the one that had the greatest impact in terms of being a turning point in their struggle to overcome addiction.
Why Does Narconon Use a Sauna?
Narconon does something that other drug rehab program do not: It makes it possible for the addict to really make a fresh start physically by reducing the toxic burden of drugs in the body. The purpose of spending time in the sauna, along with the other aspects of this step, is to cause the body to release the accumulated toxic residues of past drug use. Most other drug rehab programs do feature a detox step at the beginning, but they simply do not go as far as Narconon does.

The sauna detox is about far more than getting the addict over the symptoms of withdrawal. It has been found that when a person uses drugs, small amounts of the substance tend to become lodged in the fatty tissues of the body. Later in life, even if the person is no longer using drugs, he or she may experience cravings or even a flashback when physical or emotional stress causes the fat to be metabolized, with the result that the drugs are released back into the drug stream. This is largely responsible for the cravings that recovered addicts often experience and which sometimes lead to relapse. Once the sauna detox is completed, the person is no longer as liable to experience this phenomenon. Just as importantly, he or she feels revitalized and refreshed, since the person is no longer burdened by the toxic residues left over from using drugs. At the end of the Narconon program, Michael says that he felt “like a new man.” This is the result of the sauna detox, and it is a result that is regularly achieved at Narconon drug rehab centers throughout the United States and worldwide.