Narconon Blog
The Gruesome Health Effects of Meth Addiction
From the outside looking in, it always seems that a person addicted to drugs is rarely just struggling with ONE problem. We get the feeling that there are other drug problems, health problems, destructive behavioral issues, negative life patterns, poor health choices, etc. In confirmation of such views, a new study brings fact-based evidence to the table and shows us that, with meth addiction at least, meth is seldom the only problem the individual is struggling with.
Meth Addiction—A Rising Crisis in America
After several years of meth addiction becoming an increasingly severe problem, the media is only just now beginning to focus on it.
Alarm Bells Sound In Oklahoma Meth Epidemic
When we think of the drug problem in the U.S., the first thing we almost always think of is the opiate epidemic. The opiate epidemic usually takes the spotlight. And not without good reason. The majority of all drug deaths every year are at the hands of opiates.
The Connection between ADHD Medications and Methamphetamine
I’ve often heard different drugs as being described as similar to one another. Many pharmaceutical drugs carry the same chemical compounds. Even some street drugs are close to each other. And we all know the iconic similarities of the horrible street drug heroin and our supposedly miraculous pharmaceutical opioid pain relievers. These two are very similar, down to their chemical structure.
Meth Abuse and the Onset of Health Problems
When we think of drug addiction and alcoholism, our thoughts almost always turn to the addiction itself, the unbreakable habit, the lifestyle, the strained familial ties, the legal troubles, the difficult day-to-day living situations, and so on.
Methamphetamine, The Drug That Tears You Apart
Methamphetamine is a white odorless but bitter, crystalline powder. It dissolves in water or alcohol. Methamphetamine is highly addictive and mind-altering. As methamphetamine poses no health benefits to users, it is also highly illegal to use.
Methamphetamine’s Rocky History as a Nazi Drug of Choice
While methamphetamine seems like a fairly recent addition to the roster of addictive, destructive illicit drugs, it’s actually been making trouble for several decades. Now, use of this damaging drug is on the rise again.
Hide Your Children — Here Comes the Meth!
The recent rise in methamphetamine use in the U.S. illustrates why it’s vital to know your history. This is not the first time methamphetamine has marched across the country, leaving addiction and devastation in its wake.
5 Ways Meth Destroys Your Body
Methamphetamine is a highly dangerous, addictive, and lethal drug that can cause irreparable damage to the body by destroying the basic cognitive functions and physical health. It is so powerful that it can alter the chemistry of the brain and cause permanent damage.
Detecting Methamphetamine Use that Someone Wants to Keep Hidden
The stereotypical image of a methamphetamine user is someone who is agitated, nervous, paranoid and artificially energetic, always moving from place to place in a manic manner.