Narconon Blog


The Liabilities of Buprenorphine Treatment You Should Know About

Many families seeking addiction recovery for a loved one are told that medication-assisted treatment with buprenorphine is the only way to go. It takes understanding the liabilities of buprenorphine treatment to know the answer.


Karen in Medication-assisted treatment
December 26, 2019

Whatever Happened to Providing Abstinence Based Addiction Treatment?

At one time, the expectation of rehab success was abstinence. Now, it's more often the expectation that a person maintains compliance with a medication regimen. Have we given up on the concept of being fully drug-free after rehab?


Many Doctors Are Trained to Reach for Medication First and Solutions Second

The field of medicine is an important profession where lives hang in the balance on a daily basis. It is assumed by nearly everyone without a medical degree that the physician always knows best. We are hesitant to press the doctor whom we believe to hold our lives in their hands with questions relating to the type of care they are providing…


Ren in Medication-assisted treatment
November 18, 2018

Medications are not the Solution to the Opioid Epidemic

Our country is mired in a terrible opioid addiction epidemic, the likes of which our great nation has never seen before. This is a crippling addiction phenomenon, a national public health emergency of the worst kind.


Karen in Medication-assisted treatment
October 16, 2018

Medication-Assisted Treatment: A “Solution” that Has Never Solved the Problem

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is the use of prescribed drugs to help a person break free from addiction to some other drug. While MAT makes plenty of money for pharmaceutical companies and prescribers, it may not be so great for those taking the drug.


Karen in Medication-assisted treatment
December 23, 2017

Life on Suboxone: Not as Pretty as the Brochures Make You Think

You’ve probably heard of Suboxone. But maybe you haven’t heard from its users what it’s like to break free from this drug. Chances are you won’t hear the real tale from anyone unless they’ve gone through it.


Karen in Medication-assisted treatment
September 19, 2017

New Information: The Downside of Addiction Treatment Drugs

According to an new article in Scientific American , there is a big downside to the use of opioid blockers like naloxone and naltrexone in addiction recovery. It’s important that anyone recommending or endorsing the use of opioid blockers understand the full effects of these drugs.


Magic Bullet to Addiction?

For the last few decades, one drug rehab expert after another has taken center stage to make claims about breakthroughs in solving addiction. Is the latest claim about medication-assisted treatment any better than old claims?