Narconon Blog


Synthetic Drugs Increasingly a Problem for Young Americans

This article defines what synthetic drugs are, focusing on synthetic cathinones, synthetic cannabinoids, and synthetic opioids. The article also presents evidence showing how these substances have become increasingly popular in the 21st century, especially among young Americans in their teens and twenties.


Ren in Information on U.S. States
February 22, 2024

CDC Reports U.S. Overdoses Reach New High

The CDC recently published its most current provisional data regarding total U.S. drug overdoses for the 12 months between May 2022 and April 2023. According to the new data, 112,024 people across the U.S. died from drug overdoses in that period, compared to 110,394 deaths in the May 2021 to April 2022 period.


Ren in Information on U.S. States
December 19, 2023

Latest Findings Show Number of Addicts in America Doubled in Recent Years

According to the latest National Survey on Drug Use and Health, about 16.5% of people aged 12 or older in the U.S. in 2021 (46.3 million people) met the criteria for addiction and needed substance use treatment. This is significant news because, in years prior, the reported figure for addicted Americans was closer to 19 to 21 million people.


Karen in Information on U.S. States
October 17, 2023

What Opioid Abuse Is Costing America

Learn the actual price of opioid addiction in America. This article delves into both the tragic personal and emotional costs as well as the financial burden suffered by every American. It also highlights various sectors of costs, such as employment, justice, healthcare, and emergency services.


Rising Drug Overdose Deaths Among Seniors Shed Light on Expansion of Addiction Crisis to America’s Elderly

Much of the focus regarding America’s addiction epidemic has been on the effects that drugs and alcohol have on young people. Sadly, senior citizens have largely been forgotten as the addiction epidemic spread across all demographics.


Ren in Information on U.S. States
April 27, 2023

Methamphetamine Deaths Increased by More Than 50-Fold Between 1999 and 2021—Fentanyl Largely to Blame

“I won’t overdose on that drug—it’s not an opioid.” For decades, people who have become addicted to mind-altering substances like methamphetamine and other non-opioid drugs have used this line to justify using their drug of choice.


Karen in Information on U.S. States
April 20, 2023

The True Death Toll of Drug Abuse (It’s Not Just Overdoses)

While the news media routinely report the number of fatal drug overdoses, there are dozens of unseen ways that drugs and alcohol are claiming thousands of lives.


Ren in Information on U.S. States
April 18, 2023

Naloxone Helps Save Addicts from Overdoses, but Treatment Must Follow

Naloxone has been, at times, a controversial medicine because some view its availability as encouraging drug use. Those who hold this perspective believe that, if addicts have access to naloxone, they may feel more inclined to use drugs...



Without an Opioid Antidote, What Would Our Overdoses Losses Look Like?

Analysis of state and national statistics for fatal and non-fatal opioid overdoses reveals a shocking threat to Americans, far in excess of what our overdose deaths statistics would indicate.


Ren in Information on U.S. States
January 18, 2023

America’s Pregnant Women at Increasing Risk for Drug Overdoses

One could say that the most important mandate for the human species is to protect the future of the species. So when new research shows an alarming increase in fatal drug overdoses for pregnant and postpartum women, it serves as a warning sign that fast action is needed to improve societal conditions.