Narconon Blog


Karen in Health risks
March 20, 2023

Drug Abuse and the Devastating Birth Defects It May Cause

It’s tragic every time a person loses their health and sobriety to drug addiction. But it is much more tragic when a tiny baby is born with impairments as a result of its exposure to those drugs. They may suffer their whole lives, and they may even lose their lives as a consequence. Information on what disabilities or deformities may result from the use of alcohol or various drugs may help women of child-bearing years make the choice to maintain their sobriety.


Ren in Health risks
February 10, 2023

Cocaine and Opioid Abuse Connected to Potentially Fatal Heart Disease

A recent NIDA press release shows how it’s not just opioid addiction that is connected to endocarditis, but new studies show cocaine addiction increases the risk for potentially fatal heart disease too. These findings highlight how it’s not just the act of drug abuse itself that is dangerous; there are also the many potentially lethal health problems that might come up throughout the individual’s addiction, health problems that are a direct result of that drug abuse.


Editorial Staff in Health risks
July 14, 2022

Alcohol, Heat and Dehydration: Another Reason to Keep the Alcohol Away this Summer

Heat + alcohol = trouble. Hot summer days lead to fluid loss through sweat, while alcohol consumption causes fluid loss through increased urination and other factors. Combined, the two quickly lead to dehydration and heat-related illnesses like heat exhaustion and heat stroke.


Karen in Health risks
February 10, 2022

How Does Drug Use Effect Sleep?

For those who want to sleep better, the science is quite clear: It’s smart to avoid the use of illicit drugs or the misuse of prescription drugs.


Julie in Health risks
December 30, 2021

Despite Claims Of Health Benefits, Drinking Alcohol Remains Leading Cause of Preventable Death

While there are numerous health benefits from consuming resveratrol, it is essential to remember that alcohol in any form is a known carcinogen. When it comes to resveratrol, there are other ways this nutrient can be added to one’s diet.


Ren in Health risks
December 28, 2021

Risk Factors Connected to Addiction During Winter

There is never a “safe” time to be addicted to drugs. But there are times when risk factors spike, when addicts are in even more danger than they usually are. Given that drug overdoses tend to surge during winter, one can say that addicts face additional harm and danger during the colder months, necessitating increased efforts to help them seek treatment.


Ren in Health risks
September 24, 2020

Many Cardiac Deaths May Actually Be Drug Overdoses

It’s known that drug and alcohol abuse has a harmful effect on one’s cardiovascular system. However, new data suggests that the real threat of drugs on one's heart may have been entirely underestimated.


Ren in Health risks
July 8, 2020

New Mothers Increasingly Prescribed High-Strength Painkillers, Many with Harmful Effects

Mothers should seek out safe, effective, and sensible healthcare services before, during, and after their pregnancy. Sadly, more and more new mothers are being put on potentially addictive opioid painkillers postpartum. Why is this wrong? And what can moms do to treat postpartum pain without resorting to painkillers?


Karen in Health risks
June 24, 2020

Want Robust Health and Improved Resistance to Disease? Stop These Unhealthy Habits

It's not that difficult to improve one's immunity to disease. There are some bad habits to get rid of and some healthy habits to start. If you've been concerned about the possibility of illness, it might be time to start looking at how to boost your own immune system.


Karen in Health risks
June 18, 2020

Want Higher Resistance to Infection? Stop Using Drugs and Alcohol

Because of the threat posed by COVID-19, it’s more important than ever to protect your basic health to prevent any upper respiratory diseases like COVID-19 or pneumonia. Eliminating drug use and excessive alcohol use are key ways to improve your resistance.