Narconon Blog


Editorial Staff in Family Addiction
August 22, 2024

Protect Your Loved Ones from Opioid Overdose

The news of the opioid crisis may not be dominating the headlines these days. But the problem has not gone away.  It has not lessened. It is getting worse.


Ren in Family Addiction
August 3, 2023

The Importance of Intervention Before Hitting Rock Bottom

Addiction does not happen overnight. Usually, there is a dwindling spiral aspect to it, where-in one begins to gradually lose control over their use of mind-altering substances. While most intervention approaches have historically focused on people who are already addicted to drugs or alcohol, it would be wise for family members to intervene with loved ones who are not yet addicted but who are headed in that direction.


Staff Writer in Family Addiction
April 16, 2023

Help for Mothers Who Struggle with Addiction

Addiction does not discriminate. It doesn’t matter what a person’s background, race, or religion is. In today’s society, where drugs and alcohol are so prevalent, anyone can fall into addiction.


Karen in Family Addiction
March 23, 2023

How to Do the Hard Work of Saving an Addicted Person’s Life

It’s extremely common for an addicted person to refuse offers of rehab. So how can you save their life? By approaching this challenge in the right way, it is possible to get them to say “Yes.”


Karen in Family Addiction
October 13, 2022

Return to Healthy Relationships in Addiction Recovery

As a person becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol, healthy relationships are left by the wayside. Why is this? We examine the effects of drugs and alcohol on relationships and what can happen when this person makes it through rehab.


Julie in Family Addiction
January 27, 2022

How Addiction Hurts the Whole Family & How to Help

If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction, chances are you have been experiencing some of the following issues.


Julie in Family Addiction
December 16, 2021

Ways to Address a Loved One Avoiding Getting Help For Their Addiction

Facing an addiction can be a daunting idea and because of this many people will come up with reasons to keep out of going to treatment. While this may make the prospect of getting a loved one into rehab more challenging, but there are solutions to just about every excuse that is given.


Karen in Family Addiction
December 14, 2021

What Would Our World Be Like Without Drug and Alcohol Addiction?

With a little research, it’s possible to estimate how our world would change if we could eliminate drug and alcohol addiction. In this look at the topic, we examine how the lives of our children would improve.


Karen in Family Addiction
November 20, 2021

The Consequences of Addiction on Families

There’s truly an overwhelming amount of research to tell us how our world would be better if there were no addiction.


Julie in Family Addiction
October 28, 2021

Ways to Support a Loved One Deciding to Get Sober

If you have a loved one who is beginning to consider the idea of getting sober, here are some practical things that you can do to help.