Narconon Blog


Karen in Drug Use
September 12, 2024

Awareness of Adolescent Overdose Deaths Is Vital to Save Young Lives

Awareness of adolescent overdose deaths is crucial to save young lives. Despite a decline in drug use among teens, overdose deaths have more than doubled due to the millions of counterfeit pills laced with lethal doses of fentanyl. Parents, teachers, and communities must work together to educate and protect youth from the dangers of illicit drugs and ensure safe prescription practices.


Karen in Drug Use
February 1, 2024

Why Are So Many People Mixing Opioids and Stimulants?

This article explores the growing trend of combining opioids and stimulants, known as speedballing, among drug users. Learn the reasons behind this practice, including the desire to offset the negative effects of each drug or to achieve a specific high considered desirable. The outcome can be addiction, physical harm or death.


Ren in Drug Use
May 23, 2023

Marijuana and Hallucinogen Use at All-Time Highs for Young Americans

According to the recently published 2022 Monitoring the Future Survey, even though overall drug use did not increase among youths between 2021 and 2022, certain drug types did become increasingly more popular, namely cannabis and hallucinogens.


Ren in Drug Use
May 20, 2023

Monitoring the Future Survey Showed Drug Abuse Rates Remained Steady Among Young Americans in 2022

The 2022 Monitoring the Future Survey was finalized and published recently. The findings showed no progress in reducing teen substance abuse rates from 2021 to 2022, as rates of substance abuse among young people held steady compared to drug use rates in previous years.


Ren in Drug Use
April 28, 2022

Drunk and High, The Worst Combination Possible for Getting Behind the Wheel

In the field of substance abuse, three connected factors are setting the stage for serious harm on America’s roads.


Karen in Drug Use
April 4, 2022

The State of Teen Drug Use: What Are the Real Numbers?

Are our children using more drugs or less these days? How about drinking and binge drinking? Actually, quite a bit of the information is positive.


Karen in Drug Use
February 1, 2022

Senior Citizens and Their Increasing Need for Addiction Recovery

America is losing more of its aging citizens to alcohol and drug dependence and even fatal overdoses. It’s time to take a look at the extent of this problem.


Ren in Drug Use
October 28, 2021

A Look at College Campus Drinking and Drug Use

Every parent wants a safe and rewarding college experience for their children. But when alcohol misuse and drug abuse are ongoing problems on college campuses which are further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, how can parents ensure their children’s safety?


Karen in Drug Use
March 2, 2021

Are We Doing Enough to Eliminate Drug Overdose Deaths?

If three Boeing 737 planes crashed every week from 1999 to the present, the entire country would sit up and take notice. Drastic actions would be taken to prevent further crashes. But that’s how many people we’ve lost to overdoses and our efforts seem half-hearted.


Karen in Drug Use
February 11, 2019

Youth Too Often Choose to Ride with Impaired Drivers, Not Realizing They Risk Their Lives

Peer pressure can make teens and young adults feel compelled to go along with dangerous stunts. They might not realize that getting in the car with an impaired driver could be one of the most dangerous stunts of all.