Narconon Blog
Why Alcohol Is The Hardest Drug to Quit
You might not think of an alcoholic beverage as a drug, but it actually is. The active ingredient in alcoholic beverages is a drug called ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol. What makes alcohol different from substances like heroin or cocaine is primarily this: it is not an illegal substance. In America alone, there are more than 600,000 bars, restaurants, and nightclubs where you can get a drink.
Death is Not the Only Negative Effect of Alcohol Misuse
When people consider drug or alcohol addiction, the most attention-grabbing, headline-worthy material is always the number of deaths caused by drinking or drug abuse. But as a recent study shows, death is only one of the serious and harmful outcomes of alcohol abuse. There are many others.
How New Alcohol Policy Could Save Lives
Remarkably, Lithuania’s alcohol-related vehicle fatalities decreased 82% during a 15-year long experimental phase in which alcohol-related restrictions were imposed on the general public (especially those driving while intoxicated). Should we consider cracking down more on not only drunk driving but also on the circumstances that precipitate drunk driving?
How to Help a Friend Who Has a Drug or Alcohol Addiction
The first thing that you need to know about helping a friend who is a drug addict or alcoholic is that you should not wait. The longer that you postpone taking action to help your friend, the harder it may be for him or her to quit.
Heavy Drinking is Killing More Americans… Especially More Young Adults
A 2018 study revealed that heavy alcohol consumption resulting in liver damage is killing an increasing number of Americans. Deaths among young adults are growing the fastest.
How Can You Help Someone With a Drinking Problem?
In this country, there are millions of individuals struggling with a drinking problem, and many more family members and other loved ones trying to help them. If you are in this situation, you are definitely not alone.
Where Does the Need for Alcohol Abuse Rehab Start?
For some young people, the need for alcohol abuse rehab starts with the very first drink. They never really leave liquor or alcohol alone after that. They continue to drink and most of them will add other drugs to the mix.
Parties and Overuse of Alcohol
Underage parties and heavy drinking sets many young people up to need alcohol rehab There’s two easy ways to find out how much drinking is going on among college students, most of whom are underage.
Two Signs You May be Addicted to Alcohol
How can one judge whether or not alcoholism exists? There are two important factors that really count when you are judging if you are dealing with alcoholism.
Alcohol-related Drownings – Preventable Deaths
Picture a group of young men or women going out on a winter’s evening. They’re going to have dinner and then hang out at a bar for a while. Maybe there’s a lot of people they know at the bar and they stay longer than they planned. There’s a lot of alcohol flowing.