A Probation Officer Supports the Narconon Program

Drug-related crime is something that has caused a major problem in the U.S. The Narconon program has, over the years, worked with many in different enforcement groups to help those who have fallen into crime because of drugs, to get them help through treatment. One of the main groups we work with on a daily basis are probation officers.
Sometimes we take to our blog to share good news or “wins” from our program success, graduates or supporters in the community. We recently had a very interesting win from a probation officer that worked with a client who was enrolled in the Narconon program.
A few weeks ago, we sent a probation officer a letter about allowing a client to continue on our program so he could complete his treatment. The officer read the letter and looked at the photo of the client. He remarked that the client looked incredible and completely different than he did before enrolling on the Narconon program. He approved the client to stay in the Narconon program, appreciating that we were reaching out to him.

On a daily basis, the relationship between rehab centers and probation officers should be strengthened. Statistics report that one in thirty-one United States adults are incarcerated or on probation or parole.
Those working in the system want to find those affected by drugs real solutions. In addition, many probation officers understand that drug abuse is a problem that can be completely handled with the right treatment.
For more information on how we can help someone overcome their addiction, call Narconon today.