Editorial Staff in Narconon
June 13, 2024

Narconon Staff Member Turning Personal Experience into Purposeful Advocacy

The Deputy Executive Director of Narconon Yunlin, Shen Ji Chen (Jimmy) was recently honored for his dedication and service to the community after opening a drug rehabilitation center (Narconon Yunlin). The honor was awarded to 100 Yunlin citizens and was proudly accepted by Shen Ji Chen and his staff.


Karen Hadley in Drug Information
June 6, 2024

An Update on Dextromethorphan, the Addictive Cough Medicine Ingredient

Dextromethorphan, found in many cough medicines, is abused far too often by teens eager to experience its psychoactive effects. Despite being legal in every state, it poses serious risks such as delusions, hallucinations, violence, addiction, and death. Some states have imposed age restrictions, but greater awareness and control are needed to combat this issue. Recovery is possible with proper support.


Xanax, One of America’s Most Addictive Drugs

Despite being an approved medication intended to treat panic disorders and anxiety, Xanax is also a mind-altering drug that has the potential to cause unwanted—even dangerous—side effects, addiction included. Some research shows Xanax is one of the most popular drugs currently sought for its mind-altering effects.


Karen Hadley in Drug Information
May 23, 2024

Alcohol and Drugs: Their Damaging Effects on Your Brain

The article reveals the detrimental effects of commonly abused substances on the human brain, ranging from alcohol and benzodiazepines to cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants, ketamine, MDMA, methamphetamine, and opioids.


Editorial Staff in News
May 16, 2024

Why We Should Be Concerned About Increasing LSD Use

Hallucinogens are making a comeback, with LSD being one of the most frequently sought hallucinogens, especially among millennials. It’s essential to understand what LSD is, why it should be avoided, and what to do for someone who is using it.



The American Curse That Is Xylazine Worsens

The article explores the rise of xylazine, a veterinary tranquilizer now contaminating the American drug supply, especially supplies of heroin and fentanyl. This potent drug poses severe health risks as it causes deep, rotting wounds among users. Its presence has rapidly spread across the country, amplifying the opioid crisis and increasing dealer profits. The article emphasizes the urgent need for effective drug rehabilitation, education on drug dangers, and collective action to address this escalating issue.


Stress Takes the Lead as a Primary Reason Why Young People Turn to Drugs and Alcohol

For years, peer pressure was recognized as the most common factor that precipitated youth drug use, particularly first-time drug use. However, a recent study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has cited stress as now eclipsing peer pressure as the primary reason why young people experiment with mind-altering substances.


Editorial Staff in Drug Information
April 25, 2024

Codeine: Addictive and Potentially Dangerous

What began as a seemingly innocent cough medicine is now increasingly known for its mind-altering and addictive properties. People should understand what codeine is, and they should also know that the Food and Drug Administration changed how it monitors codeine. Codeine is addictive, evidenced by the people who’ve become hooked on it.


Karen Hadley in Drug Trends
April 18, 2024

Youth Drug Use Not Increasing, But Far More Dangerous and Deadly

Despite a decline in overall drug use among teenagers, fatal drug overdoses among teens have spiked. Why has this happened? Drug trafficking organizations first discovered how easy it was to manufacture illicit fentanyl and then learned to press it into tens of millions of pills for the American market.


What Is the Scope of Synthetic Cannabinoid Abuse Today?

Synthetic cannabinoids are a relatively new drug of concern, a man-made substance similar to cannabis but made in a lab. Such drugs often produce very different effects than one might expect from cannabis, and users can rarely predict what chemicals will be in any given batch of synthetic cannabinoids.