Narconon Uganda
Uganda is a country where the population has increased more than seven-fold over the last 65 years. Half the current population is under fifteen years of age. At the same time, literacy figures are low and poverty rates are high. As a result, Ugandan children suffer high rates of slavery, forced prostitution and substance abuse.

Children in Uganda Here are some of the children in Uganda listening to the Narconon drug education lecture.

Narconon Uganda Narconon Uganda educates various parts of the country about the dangers of drugs. This is how some of the groups meet together.
Narconon Uganda has provided a bright spot of hope in this country as it spreads its anti-drug message to the young and helps those who are addicted take their first steps toward sobriety.
Led by Nelson Nuwahereza, a secondary school teacher, Narconon Uganda has reached many thousands of young people in Buganda, Mbarara, Kamwengye and other regions of Uganda with the Narconon drug education and prevention curriculum.
Now, Narconon Drug Education and Prevention Classes Reach Far Beyond the Children
Not only children receive the Narconon drug education and prevention lessons, Parents, teachers, government officials and city workers who help children have also been given these specific and factual lessons on the dangers of drugs. Nelson instructed these people on the Narconon anti-drug classes so they could help expand delivery to more children in more regions.

Nelson - Delivering Drug Education
Nelson is the executive director of Narconon Uganda. Here he is delivering drug education.

**Nelson and Teachers **
Nelson and teachers from one of the schools in Uganda after delivering drug education.
The Narconon First Step Program that helps people safely and tolerably start their new sobriety is now being offered to those who have become addicted to marijuana, alcohol, opiates or inhalants like paint thinner, glue or fuel.
Narconon Uganda is currently working toward the establishment of a full Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program to help the people of this country.

Uganda Kids Participating
Kids get involved to learn about the dangers of using drugs. Narconon drug education is fun.

Older Uganda Kids
Here are some older kids that Nelson delivered drug education to.