Cocaine Addiction Treatment Centers
Cocaine addiction, whether to powder or crack cocaine, creates a compulsive, even obsessive need for more of the drug. Cocaine is a strong stimulant that creates euphoria, an excitement, a confident, aggressive, talkative manner. A person with cocaine may feel that it is all he or she needs. But since cocaine is not a long lasting drug, this means that more is needed soon after the last dose. The addicted person may pursue the cocaine addiction to the exclusion of all other interests. For a cocaine addict, nothing else is remotely as important as getting the next dose of cocaine.
And so a person who is addicted to cocaine can lose a job, business, spouse, children, self-respect, position in the community and all his or her possessions.
Many people who are addicted wish, deep down, to live a clean and sober life. If you challenge them, they are likely to respond with hostility, however. The addiction is in control of the person. Not the person.
**But if this person can be gotten to an effective cocaine addiction treatment center, this can change. **Even at the moment when everything seems the most impossible, it is possible to effectively treat cocaine addiction with the result of lasting sobriety.
The family trying to save the life of a person addicted to cocaine needs first to find the right cocaine addiction treatment center. For thousands of cocaine addicts around the world, this has been a Narconon drug and alcohol treatment center.
Starting in Los Angeles in the late 1960s, the Narconon program has enabled all types of addicts to recover a long-lasting sobriety. Addiction to heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, alcohol, and now to prescription drugs like Vicodin, OxyContin, Xanax, Dilaudid, Ritalin and Soma can be recovered from in the majority of cases, at a Narconon center. There are Narconon centers located on six continents, in major cities and small towns around the world.
As a cocaine addiction treatment center, a Narconon center offers a completely unique program. First, no drugs are ever used in treatment. Unlike many other centers, there are no substitute drugs given to opiate addicts and no dual diagnoses are given to those in recovery that might call for a prescription of a benzodiazepine – itself addictive.
Those addicted to cocaine may go through a rough withdrawal marked by strong cravings, depression, fatigue, and even suicidal thoughts. These symptoms are alleviated at Narconon centers through the administration of generous doses of nutritional supplements and the use of gentle objective exercises that help reorient and calm a person. Some people going through withdrawal at a Narconon center say that it is the most tolerable withdrawal they have ever experienced.
Withdrawal is followed by a multi-faceted approach to repairing the damage done by addiction. Each person has the time and help they need to rebuild a life that was destroyed by cocaine addiction.
The Narconon program is all about lasting sobriety. And in seven out of ten cases, Narconon graduates stay clean and sober after they return home and to work.
You don’t have to suffer from cocaine addiction or watch someone you love lose everything to addiction. Call Narconon International to find a location near you that can be your cocaine addiction treatment center. Call 800-737-5250 today for immediate help.