Slang Terms for DXM or its Abuse

The drug:

Triple C, Dex, Drex, DM, Red Devils, Vitamin D, Velvet, Skittles, Syrup, Tussin, Poor Man’s PCP, Poor Man’s X, Red Hots, Rojo, Orange Crush,


Robotripping, robo, robofizzing, robodosing, dexing, skittling

Forms of Cough Medicine with DXM

Dextromethorphan can be found in liquid form, or in lozenges, tablets, capsules or gel caps. Some people extract the active ingredient from the syrup and offer it as a powder in capsules. Powdered DXM can also be purchased from overseas manufacturers via the internet.

كُن خالياً من المخدرات. من أجل التحسُّن.

سجل اشتراكك مجاناً للحصول على النشرة بالبريد الإلكتروني:

DXM Can Kill
Why Do Young People and Adults Abuse Dextromethorphan?
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