Drug Rehab for Fort Worth, Texas

Addiction results in an individual falling down a deep well of misery, life becoming a series of failures and losses. Loved ones drift away, dreams of a happy future disappear and sadness and hopelessness are constant.
Searching for that next pill or drink becomes all that an addicted person lives for. To pull out of this despair, it becomes imperative to find a drug rehab that will provide a realistic chance at recovery. With two Narconon centers within driving distance from Fort Worth, the answer is at hand.
Drug-free Withdrawal is Only the Beginning
Narconon South Texas in Harlingen is a residential facility with comfortable accommodations in a quiet location away from the city. This residential facility has comfortable accommodations where a recovering addict takes part in a number of phases of treatment.

The Narconon Arrowhead facility is also nearby at just a few hours drive to the north. This premier facility resides on shores of Lake Eufaula and provides a tranquil environment where one can truly focus on their recovery.

Three Main Phases of Recovery Treatment
The first phase is the drug-free withdrawal, which is begun after any required medically assisted step down is completed. Here a person is assisted with generous nutritional support which helps the body to be able to better withstand the difficulties of the withdrawal process. Additionally, the nutrients lost in the lifestyle of drug abuse are replenished. One-on-one work with trained and caring staff also assist the recovering individual in getting through the discomforts.
Using an effective combination of moderate exercise, nutritional supplements and time in a low-heat sauna, the Narconon New Life Detoxification results in accumulated and stored drug residues being eliminated from the system. These poisons remain lodged in the fatty tissues of the body even after drug use has ceased. They cause foggy thinking, confusion and have been involved in the triggering of drug cravings long after the person is no longer using drugs, or after even a rehab program is complete. Flushing these drug residues from the body is necessary for lasting recovery.
After withdrawal and detoxification, Narconon Life Skills Courses offer the recovering individual the opportunity to restore and rebuild life skills that were destroyed after long-term drug addiction. These abilities need to be restored so he can weather the challenges facing him when he goes back home. One such course, the Ups and Downs in Life Course, shows a person how to recognize and avoid those who would negatively influence him into continuing a life of addiction. It also teaches the recovering addict how to develop positive relationships with those who will support his drug-free lifestyle.
Wide Availability of Drugs in Fort Worth Makes Lasting Recovery Vital
The Fort Worth area is in a region of Texas known to be a major transportation and distribution area for heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and marijuana. Supplies move through the city to be distributed regionally and nationally by drug trafficking criminals. This is all the more reason to ensure a recovering addict is proofed in every way possible against relapse and from falling back into the seemingly bottomless pit of addiction.
Anyone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol needs a real chance for an honest and productive life. The Narconon program addresses the factors that will help to avoid relapse and will restore self-respect and honesty.