Drug Rehab in Ann Arbor, Michigan

When families in the Ann Arbor area have a loved one fall victim to substance abuse or addiction, they have one of the country’s premier drug rehabilitation programs right in their backyard.
Since the area around Ann Arbor is designated a high-intensity drug trafficking area, Washtenaw County sees more than its share of drug abuse and addiction problems. This makes it all the more essential to find an effective drug rehab facility to bring safety and sobriety to all residents in the area.
Narconon Provides Drug Recovery to Those Suffering from Addiction
The Narconon Freedom Treatment Center in Albion is a residential drug rehab facility serving Michigan and surrounding states and is one of dozens of Narconon locations throughout the world that offer drug recovery to those suffering from addiction.
Although a person searching for options to get off drugs usually has many choices of rehab facilities, most of these facilities use substitute medications as their rehabilitation method. This just creates further problems as a new habit may be formed with the substitute drug, and doctors often continue the prescription for years into the future.
At this Narconon center, as in any Narconon center in the world, drug-free withdrawal is a reality, following any medically-assisted wean down that may be needed prior to starting the rehabilitation program. The withdrawal phase at Narconon, nutritional support is used, as well as one-on-one work with staff that helps calm the body and mind and relieves pain and discomfort.
Following the withdrawal, the individual recovering from addiction will go through the Narconon New Life Detoxification. This helps to stabilize the recovery as it removes stored drug residues from the fatty tissues of the body. These drug residues are removed by the combination of low-heat sauna, nutrition and exercise. Once the stored toxins are out of the body, the person can feel great relief, as these toxins can cause slowed thinking and can even contribute to triggering drug cravings long after drug use has ceased.
Drug Recovery Should Include Education in Leading a Drug-free Life
Part of the Narconon treatment includes repairing the damage that addiction has done to the person’s life during the time of addiction. He must be able to understand how to handle the stress and challenges that come to him when he goes back into his day to day life.
Narconon recovery assists in this step by providing courses that show how the recovering addict can lead an honest, productive life without turning to a pill or a drink as a solution. Anyone around an addicted person can see that his or her perceptions become dulled through long-term drug or alcohol abuse. The Objectives phase of the program includes exercises that gradually brighten those perceptions until a fresh, new viewpoint is achieved. Additional life skills courses provide tools to repair past damages one has caused, and learning how to choose the right associates who will support you in your future sober life.
Ann Arbor Drug Abuse Affects Individuals and the Family
Ann Arbor’s young people are easily exposed to drugs, and once hooked on this insidious habit can come to harm too quickly. In fact, to drive home this point, in the neighboring county of Wayne, in 2009, there were 501 drug-related deaths and 21 drug-related suicides. In a county population of about 1.9 million, this is much too high.
To help our children and prevent devastating loss to families in Ann Arbor, it’s vital to seek out the most successful program that will get addicted individuals off drugs, with a lasting result.
A holistic approach to drug rehab gives the addict a way to truly come off drugs or alcohol without substituting one habit for another and repairs their life skills so they can be truly happy and productive in their new lives. When looking for drug rehab in Ann Arbor, learn the advantages of Narconon. Contact Narconon today.