Cocaine Rehab Services
The Narconon program has helped people end their addiction to cocaine for decades.
On the long-term, holistic drug treatment program at Narconon, cocaine addicts can regain their health, a fresh viewpoint on life, and the life skills that enable them to stay clean for a lifetime.
Full Recovery from Cocaine Addiction
Withdrawal from cocaine may not bring the agonizing symptoms of withdrawal that some other drugs do, but is characterized by overpowering cravings for more of the drug. Even after a person has achieved sobriety, an encounter with some place, person or activity that triggers the memory of cocaine use may also trigger those strong cravings. Relapse is likely at these times unless a person participates in a rehab program specifically designed to proof a person against this exact phenomenon.
The Narconon program has several aspects that make it unique and help the recovering person weather triggers like these. The program starts with support for the person consisting of generous amounts of nutritional supplements that calm the body and support a healthy mental function.
Once a recovering addict is free of withdrawal symptoms, they soon begin the Narconon New Life Detoxification that uses exercise, a dry-heat sauna and an exact program of nutritional supplements to enable the body to flush drug residues from the fatty tissues where they tend to lodge during drug use. The excretion of these residues has often shown to greatly reduce cravings for drugs that have been used. Some people have even reported that the cravings left them during this phase of the program.
The next phases of rehab for cocaine abuse at a Narconon facility include the Objectives which help orient the recovering person to a new, drug-free environment and life skills training to proof a person against future temptations. Situations will come up in any recovered addict’s life that tempt them to use again. Having the life skills to handle it and remain drug-free is the essential key to sobriety.
Health Threats Increase Need for Cocaine Rehab
Dependence on any substance skews not only one’s lifestyle, but also one’s ability to control that lifestyle. Addicts routinely find that when tolerance increases, more drugs are needed and costs go up, more of one’s life begins to be devoted to chasing the euphoric high offered by the drug. While some cocaine addicts seem to remain fairly functional, a 1987 study found that cocaine users were involved in a “complex of interrelated unhealthy behaviors.” Eventually, the house of cards that cocaine built will come crashing down. And it may crash by damaging, diseasing or outright destroying the heart of the user.
This factor of cocaine abuse makes an effective cocaine rehab program all the more critical. Some heart damage will reverse when cocaine use is stopped but some other heart and arterial damage is permanent. The sooner a cocaine user can be gotten to an effective cocaine rehab center, the better their chances of retaining their health. Cocaine users find lasting recovery at Narconon centers around the world. The program’s success is shown by the fact that seven out of ten Narconon graduates stay clean and sober after they return home.
A study in Spain that took place between 2003 and 2006 reported that there was no safe level of recreational cocaine use. An analysis of sudden deaths in southwest Spain showed that a little more than three percent of them were related to a cocaine habit that had damaged the heart and arteries. Most of these people also smoked and drank alcohol. Researchers called use of these three substances “lethal cocktails.”
If you have a loved one who is abusing cocaine, do not delay in contacting us for help.