A Mother and Her Son’s Addiction

There are few situations more heartbreaking for a mother than to have one of her children suffer from addiction. They have to watch while that person’s life falls apart and they lose everything they care about. Addiction ruins not only the life of the addict but of everyone close to him or her. The addict may be numb to it all, but the parent suffers immeasurably. Susan had to watch her son Joe go through this terrible ordeal.
Susan said that while Joe was addicted, her life was terrible. “I couldn’t function. I had to seek counseling for myself—for the anxiety. I was so afraid for Joe all the time. It consumed my whole life. I had trouble working. It wasn’t the kind of life a person should have. I was filled with fear for Joe because of the things he was doing. It affected me financially, emotionally, in every aspect of my life.”
The Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program is one of the best to be found, with tens of thousands of lives saved over the last five decades. Several aspects of the program combined provide a person with the ability to live a successful and drug-free life. The first is the nutritionally based withdrawal, which many say is made so much more tolerable at Narconon. An effective detox is also utilized—the Narconon New Life Detoxification—which eliminates the drug residues and other toxins that have accumulated in the fatty tissues of the body during drug use.
The final phase of the Narconon program is a series of life skills courses. These materials are unique in that instead of group therapy, the participant learns applicable tools to take back home with him and use in life. This knowledge and the tools acquired help the recovering addict maintain their sobriety. This study is beneficial in so many ways, helping the student find why he started drug use in the first place. When he understands how he got wrapped up in addiction, he can avoid making the same mistakes.
Susan said, “Joe definitely matured as a person as he went through the program. About halfway through, I saw him start to come alive and be himself. The son I used to know was coming back out. Now that he’s completed the program, he’s back working. He’s feeling good about himself.”
She added, “Narconon is where you want to have your child. It is a place where they can be safe. It isn’t just addressing the drug problem. It helps the person find himself. That is the beauty of Narconon. Narconon helped Joe find himself and grow as a person. If it wasn’t for Narconon, I don’t think I would have him today.”
To see a loved one come alive again and be able to live a fulfilling and drug-free life is what it is all about. The Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program gives the son or daughter back to himself and to his or her family. This is priceless!