An Addict Finds Hope Once Again
When someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol, he loses all hope. All that is important to him is finding that next pill, smoke or drink. Around him, life becomes a shambles. Hayes is very familiar with the heartbreak of addiction. He lost all self-esteem and suffered greatly as his family lost all hope of his ever becoming free of drug and alcohol addiction.

Hayes described his problem. “My life, if that is what you want to call it, was not much of a life. It was nothing but drug and alcohol abuse for a twenty-year period. The last two years of that time, I never drew a sober breath. It was living hell for not only myself but for anyone I came in contact with. My family and loved ones had pretty much given up on me. I have to say,” he added, on the verge of tears at the memory, “I came to the point where I just didn’t know where to go or what to do. I had given up on myself.”
Then Hayes found the Narconon program. He had tried other rehabs before and yet Narconon seemed something different. The Narconon program provides a drug rehab treatment that is truly unique.
An important aspect of the program is the Narconon New Life Detoxification. This detox is where drug residues are flushed from the body, important in clearing the body from harmful toxins lodged in the fatty tissues of the body.
Hayes described his arrival. “When I first got to Narconon, the staff were so kind and caring. After talking to some of the staff and hearing their stories, I knew they understood what I was feeling and what I had been through because they had been there too. They made me feel so comfortable. They helped me through withdrawal, which was a difficult time. But they made it so much better than it could have been on my own.“
The later phase of the Narconon rehabilitation program consists of life skills training to help a recovering addict prepare to go back home, fortified with the knowledge and tools to live a drug-free life. With this vital knowledge and using the reliable and applicable tools provided, the recovering individual can repair the damage caused by an addicted lifestyle.
Addressing both the physical and mental sides of addiction, Narconon offers a successful program to help an addict through the process of leaving drugs and alcohol behind. Hayes finished the program and said, “Now that I have completed the Narconon program, I have myself back. I have my dignity and respect and work ethics. I feel like I did before I started using drugs—something I thought I would never have again. I thought it was gone for good. And Narconon gave me that back.”